What is the Report Abuse button for?

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FPA Forums and Reviews Admin
What is the Report Abuse button for?

The Report Abuse button is exclusively for reporting a post that violates or appears to have a high chance of violating the FPA Forums rules of acceptable conduct. Please try to make certain to report the specific post which contains the offending content.

Most valid reports are for spam in non-commercial areas of the FPA's forums. Other valid reports are for abusive postings which fall outside the limits of civilized discussion. A few reports are about suspicious new members who seem to have joined just to defend or promote a company. Many of these turn out to be nothing but another flavor of spammer.

The Report Abuse button is NOT for replying to the post or asking a question of the person who posted. There is a reply button for that purpose.

The Report Abuse button is NOT for liking the post. There is a like button for that purpose.

The Report Abuse button is NOT for asking the FPA to pay attention to your own post. Doing this wastes time which might have been used to reply to your post.

The Report Abuse button is NOT for complaining about a company. If the thread is yours, post about the company there. If not, start your own thread in Scam Alerts if you think a company did something wrong.

The Report Abuse button is NOT for disagreeing with a post. If you disagree, reply to the post and give your reasons.

If you see spam, report it!

If you see someone you think is a company employee pretending to be a happy client, report it!

If you see someone crossing the line from "spirited debate" to "uncivilized conduct", report it!

Don't be afraid to use the Report Post button. Just don't use if for purposes it wasn't designed for.

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