• Please try to select the correct prefix when making a new thread in this folder.

    Discuss is for general discussions of a financial company or issues related to companies.

    Info is for things like "Has anyone heard of Company X?" or "Is Company X legit or not?"

    Compare is for things like "Which of these 2 (or more) companies is best?"

    Searching is for things like "Help me pick a broker" or "What's the best VPS out there for trading?"

    Problem is for reporting an issue with a company. Please don't just scream "CompanyX is a scam!" It is much more useful to say "I can't withdraw my money from Company X" or "Company Y is not honoring their refund guarantee" in the subject line.
    Keep Problem discussions civil and lay out the facts of your case. Your goal should be to get your problem resolved or reported to the regulators, not to see how many insults you can put into the thread.

    More info coming soon.

Problem Banc de Binary Mega Scam - Details of where to Complain to

I am having an issue with a company
Here's another Banc de Binary scam ... disguised as a work from home scheme!!!! OMG! The depths of depravity ..... mastermyfinance.com/online-wealth-markets-scam-review/

The "partner" is Banc de Binary on the actual website no doubt marketed with different "customers" and targeted at various countries!
Tell Jim that if he's for real, maybe he'd like to come to the FPA and introduce himself.
Here's another Banc de Binary scam ... disguised as a work from home scheme!!!! OMG! The depths of depravity ..... mastermyfinance.com/online-wealth-markets-scam-review/

The "partner" is Banc de Binary on the actual website no doubt marketed with different "customers" and targeted at various countries!

Banc de Binary is now still trying to scam more people around the world via a "work from home" scheme where "You're one step away from your pay day", but which is nothing more than a major scam, via "referral clicks with Amazon, Google, Walmart, Delta, Apple and more" and all with the same photo of the cheque with the same cheque number, date and amount "earned" in different names, and with the same background photo of the exact same BMW they had all bought with their "income" from these sites for new victims in Malaysia which I have recently come across in my search for more Banc de Binary scams (I'm assuming that the countries will differ based on the potential victims' locations when "landing" on the scam webpage) -
(1) http://st365news.com/MY/business_times_MY/earn-RM25k-a-month-from-home.html?voluumdata=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&city=Local%20Area&state=Local%20Area&country=Malaysia&boostid=77755&cid=650316&accid=9997&wid=22982&ang=ang1&angad=1a,

(2) http://st365news.com/MY/Online-Wealth-Markets_MY_ma/earn-RM25k-a-month-from-home.html?voluumdata=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&city=Local%20Area&state=Local%20Area&country=Malaysia&boostid=66914&cid=573287&accid=9997&wid=29115&ang=ang6&angad=ma,

(3) http://st365news.com/MY/Online-Wealth-Markets_MY_2/menjana-pendapatan-RM25K-bulan-dengan-bekerja-dari-rumah.html?voluumdata=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&city=Local%20Area&state=Local%20Area&country=Malaysia&boostid=66914&cid=577021&accid=9997&wid=29115&ang=ang7&angad=7a, and

(4) http://st365news.com/MY/Online-Wealth-Markets_MY/earn-RM25k-a-month-from-home.html?voluumdata=BASE64dmlkLi4wMDAwMDAwMy00MzQ3LTRhNjktODAwMC0wMDAwMDAwMDAwMDBfX3ZwaWQuLjFmYzUzMDAwLTJjYjgtMTFlNi04NDg5LTY1MmNhMzM1NDA2YV9fY2FpZC4uZTViODA2OWEtMDdlZS00NWU5LWJjZjctNDc3ZTQzYmYzNjE2X19ydC4uRF9fbGlkLi4xZjQ3NjRhMS05OWZmLTRkYjAtYTA3MC03NDc5ODNmNWIwN2FfX29pZDEuLjQwODQxM2Y4LTYwNmYtNGU1Ny05Njc2LWU2NzE1NDRhYTNiYV9fdmFyMS4uTG9jYWwgQXJlYV9fdmFyMi4uTG9jYWwgQXJlYV9fdmFyMy4uTWFsYXlzaWFfX3ZhcjQuLjY2OTE0X192YXI1Li41NDUzMDRfX3ZhcjYuLjk5OTdfX3ZhcjcuLjI5MTE1X192YXI4Li5hbmcxX192YXI5Li4xYV9fcmQuLnd3d1wuXG1ldGFzcG9vblwuXGNvbV9fYWlkLi5fX2FiLi5fX3NpZC4u&city=Local%20Area&state=Local%20Area&country=Malaysia&boostid=66914&cid=545304&accid=9997&wid=29115&ang=ang1&angad=1a

and the "official" website to click on to deposit and join this "click" work from home scheme takes you to register with the Online Wealth Markets "official partner", Banc de Binary, at https://www.onlinewealthmarkets.com/ofm-join?utm_source=clicksure&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=4284863&s1=dD32OSR3HOFOO5CTGMPU20ES&s2=ang1&s3=1a&click=1340900601

This "work from home" scheme has also been confirmed as a scam at - http://mastermyfinance.com/online-wealth-markets-scam-review/.

with the assistance of their partner "Banc de Binary is NOT a SCAM" websites such as http://www.quintup.com/online-wealth-markets-review-software-scam/.

I shudder to think of how many more new victims globally have fallen prey to these unconscionable scammers as I still see new Banc de Binary victims posting on the FPA forum up until today, and like most of us, these new victims are probably the tip of the iceberg who have by chance, stumbled onto this saving grace of a forum to assist us all with advice on what to do to hopefully retrieve our money back from these scammers.

This on top of the other scam with the completely over the top and unrealistic pictures of the luxury cars in various countries around the world, where the cars and background pictures are all the same ... see my earlier post #16
Can I ask that everyone who has been scammed go to this thread at https://www.forexpeacearmy.com/community/threads/banc-de-binary-account-and-financial-details.45838/ - please post all details you have of Banc de Binary bank accounts that they have asked you to wire transfer funds into - that's the only way they will be able to get scot free with your funds as your bank will not be able to assist you to retrieve your funds, unless you take these scammers to court.

Please also post all details of companies your credit card transfers were routed / funneled through (SMS conformations or however your bank informed you), and which end Banc de Binary company / entity received your funds - you can find that from your credit card transaction statements.

Please let's all post all financial details Banc de Binary uses to steal and scam our money from us. In your reports to all the various authorities, please also update your reports and point them to this forum that you reported being scammed at, together with all other victims, and point them in particular to the Banc de Binary account and financial information.
Here's another scam fest targeted at Malaysians ... http://www.24businessnews.com/lp/ro...F3344&utm_source=4848082&utm_content=61837226

And all the "successful" binary traders putting in their 2 cents worth ..............

With the scammers Banc de Binary being the "preferred broker" obviously - http://www.24businessnews.com/lpd/b...G-yg0v9zp9HQgGJ3AAAAAAAOBgyAAAAAAA&t=40246806

I'm pretty sure that the landing page changes for different countries, with the scammers Banc de Binary still being the "preferred broker" everywhere.

They are just not letting up at all ...
Here's an interesting article from a payment gateway and merchant service provider in Iceland(!!!) advising their merchants on chargebacks - https://www.dalpay.com/en/support/chargebacks.html

I am not sure how legit they are, or who they are for that matter as I've not looked beyond this webpage or done any further research on them, but what was most interesting was the last paragraph highlighted below to the merchants! I'm not sure what "law" or jurisdiction this refers to, but apparently we can push our banks to file a dispute within a 2 year period! It just depends on how much the bank is willing to assist us, that's all. People, please insist and push your banks even if you are beyond the 120 day period!!!

Can anyone advise if they have been successful with pushing their banks to chargeback after the 120 day period (or whatever time frame provided in your country)? Unfortunately from experience, some of the staff at various banks seem to be incompetent and bordering on negligence despite working in the fraud and disputes department of the banks and do not know what the rules and timelines for chargebacks are.

What is a Chargeback?
As you know, customers or cardholders obtain credit cards from banks, which are referred to as the "issuing bank." A chargeback (also known as a reversal) is a form of customer protection provided by the issuing banks, which allows cardholders to file a complaint regarding fraudulent transactions on their statement. Once the cardholder files a dispute, the issuing bank makes an investigation into the complaint.
Once the transaction is proven to be indeed fraudulent, the bank will refund the original value to the cardholder. From the merchant's point of view, if you do not prove the transaction to be legitimate, the bank will take back the entire value of the transaction from your account, along with an additional fee. This chargeback fee will range from $0 to $100, depending on the merchant bank sponsoring your
account. If the cardholder complaint is proven untrue, no refund is requested from the merchant, though additional processing fees may be charged. For obvious reasons, it is best for your business not to get involved with chargebacks. With situations like these, the merchant stands the risk of losing products or services that have already been sold, the payment, the fees incurred for payment processing, money for chargeback penalty, or even possible commissions for currency conversions. It is thus best to avoid chargebacks at all times. Also, note that merchant accounts receiving too many chargebacks can be labeled by credit card companies as fraudulent, and this can be potentially damaging to the image and the existence of your business. Know also that credit card issuing banks take chargebacks seriously, because they are at the most advantage. They don't only levy fees, but they can also hold merchant remittance up to three months to cover the fraud, or increase their commissions if they choose to label your account "risky."

By law the cardholder has two years to file a dispute. Your sales can be reversible for two years... That means saving documentation for two years... Most banks will have a policy against handling disputes that are more than six months old but if the cardholder pushes it they have two years to file a dispute.
Please also read this description of binary options "brokers" and "trading" at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_option. Banc de Binary has special mention here -

A binary option is a financial option in which the payoff is either some fixed monetary amount or nothing at all. While binary options are used in a theoretical framework as the building block for asset pricing and financial derivatives (a binary option maps to the cumulative distribution function of the risk-neutral distribution [1][2]), they have been exploited by fraudulent operations as many binary option outlets (outside regulated markets) have been shown to be scams. The two main types of binary options are the cash-or-nothing binary option and the asset-or-nothing binary option. The cash-or-nothing binary option pays some fixed amount of cash if the option expires in-the-money while the asset-or-nothing pays the value of the underlying security. They are also called all-or-nothing options, digital options (more common in forex/interest rate markets), and fixed return options (FROs) (on the American Stock Exchange).[3]

Though binary options sometimes trade on regulated exchanges, they are generally unregulated, trading on the internet, and prone to fraud.[3] The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) have issued a joint warning to American investors regarding unregulated binary options.[4] and have forced a major operator, Banc de Binary, to cease operations in the US and pay back all customer losses. Many binary option "brokers" have been exposed as questionable operations. With such binary option brokers, there is no real brokerage; the customer is betting against the broker, who is acting as a bucket shop. Manipulation of price data to cause customers to lose is common. Withdrawals are regularly stalled or refused by such operations.[5]

It's unfortunately such a shame that when googling is banc de binary a scam, that the FPA forum and this Wikipedia article does not come up first, instead is the scam affiliate sites which state that Banc de Binary is a "trustworthy" broker and all that BS that come up first in the google search!