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Problem Cobratate.com Forex signal provider is a scam. Formidable Forex Powerhouse.

I am having an issue with a company
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Thanks for the insight, I agree with the legality aspect.

The problem I highlighted was that, unlike McDonalds, who provide a service (no matter how unhealthy), Tate (in this case) is selling a dream. As you've put it... the dream of beating the system.

Whilst this thread is pointing to the mechanism of achieving this dream being flawed, the act of buying into the dream is what has lead most respondents awry.

That's not to say that it was wrong for them to buy the product, just as it's not wrong for an obese person to keep buying McDonalds.... but to buy the product and not hold the perpetrator to account is definitely bad.

The solution is to chalk it up to experience. If anyone can get recourse from their payment provider, consider that a bonus.

But the lesson? As I mentioned above, if you're buying a financial product, you need to do your homework on what it's actually going to do to help make money. Even if you take the $1m Dubai trader at face value, the idea of putting all your faith into a mystery trader seems highly tenuous to me.
I know this is somewhat off topic, but have any of you guys bought Tate's courses? What did you guys think of them if you did?
But the lesson? As I mentioned above, if you're buying a financial product, you need to do your homework on what it's actually going to do to help make money. Even if you take the $1m Dubai trader at face value, the idea of putting all your faith into a mystery trader seems highly tenuous to me.

1 day before purchase if someone said to me I'll do this I would've thought they're crazy, but with this quarantine and some family tragedy I was in a desperate monetary state, I stumbled upon Tate in one of his many forex live streams(which he immediately deletes after streaming as they carry huge legal binding promises for his forex) where he was promising the moon for the forex ,I decided to trust him, big mistake.

Andrew Tate has paranoid schizophrenia coupled with psychopathic tendencies, he learned to control these in his own favor where he can scam lots of people without flinching a muscle. He has a few methods that he memorized which he routinely repeats as he know they work, he knows the human physic in and out.

He has deep anger based on his unmeasured envy on people which he tries to balance by taking something from others(money and women), thus thinking it will make him more whole and make others less, also that makes him think he's superior, he thinks scamming is a battle for money that he's winning, that he replaced fighting with scamming, a win is still a win for him no matter what.

Since he can't and never did anything PRODUCTIVE in his entire life as he's actually a complete retard in technology and other fields(he's basically a psycho dinosaurs), he tries to win the money battle in a domain where he has a edge over everybody, scamming.

He tries to portray a man which many men who spend lots of time online would aspire to, "someone getting rich online easy without much effort" what he hides and doesn't show very often, is that all his methods of getting rich online imply you to be a psychopath.

His webcam method.......many tried but failed because without his psycho scams , the "models" would not be making much so that the man can leech off from the woman.

His forex method, proven to be a scam , terrible losses in March and since over 90% of day trading signal services will cause losses eventually as statistics are showing, his method was doomed to fail as there's no million dollar trading team in Dubai.

I've seen his PHD and How to be G courses as they can be found for free on torrents, disgusting materials.....at one point even Tate admits that basically what he preaches is for you to go against the system and if everybody was like him, there would be NOTHING in this world with an evil laugh, the only thing really true he ever said.

With him trying to be a public figure he shoots two rabbits with one bullet, he can scam the entire globe as that is probably his biggest fantasy and he can show off his gains to everybody else thinking that way he asserts dominance over everybody else.

Well, my ego won't ever let me get over this scam,if I won't recoup the money in the chargeback I have a few plans that will hurt him for what I paid for his forex, it will require a lot of work from me but I have to do it.
1 day before purchase if someone said to me I'll do this I would've thought they're crazy, but with this quarantine and some family tragedy I was in a desperate monetary state, I stumbled upon Tate in one of his many forex live streams(which he immediately deletes after streaming as they carry huge legal binding promises for his forex) where he was promising the moon for the forex ,I decided to trust him, big mistake.

Andrew Tate has paranoid schizophrenia coupled with psychopathic tendencies, he learned to control these in his own favor where he can scam lots of people without flinching a muscle. He has a few methods that he memorized which he routinely repeats as he know they work, he knows the human physic in and out.

He has deep anger based on his unmeasured envy on people which he tries to balance by taking something from others(money and women), thus thinking it will make him more whole and make others less, also that makes him think he's superior, he thinks scamming is a battle for money that he's winning, that he replaced fighting with scamming, a win is still a win for him no matter what.

I don't think that scamming with bogus web courses is their main source of income. Somebody would have killed them all by now, if they would have managed to scam that many people in order to get that rich.
This is just a cover-up. For sure they are doing money laundering and the few scammed people are just helping them to maintain the appearance of a legitimate business.
I feel sorry for you guys, but how could you fall into their trap?
I mean look at them...
That guy Tate, calls us dorks, but if you look at his face, his teeth and ears, he really looks like a dorky Mikey Mouse.
And his brother? Just a pathetic alcoholic chimpanzee...
The most useless persons I've ever seen on this planet.
They talk non-stop about f*cking girls and yet you don't see a single girl in their videos, just some staged instagram photos, with girls that look like paid hookers.

How can they possibly teach anything?
That chimp tried for like 5 or 6 times to start a video presentation on his youtube streams and failed to start it.

This is just a gay family of dorks.

No , they're not lying about the women they have, most women love bad boys with money of their origin they don't care, like is the case with the Tates, and then there are his webcam scamming women which he likes to display a lot.

And they do have lots of money since they're mastermind salesmen with psychopathic scamming techniques, I gauge their money to be at 60% of what they say they have, which is still a lot.

They're desperate now since they sunk a lot in casinos that got closed but they still had to pay taxes for those casinos so he's in a big hole now which he tries to fill with forex scams and rip off courses.

His courses do teach you something useful but only if you're a brainwashed pussy indoctrinated into western propaganda, otherwise they're a waste.


How can they possibly teach anything?
That chimp tried for like 5 or 6 times to start a video presentation on his youtube streams and failed to start it.

Yes they're both idiots when it comes to something productive, that's why they had to resort to scamming.
They do not make money out of those courses. It's a false impression.
There's only a handful of people that got scammed by buying those courses.

Common sense tells you that you can find the same information for free on various platforms, one of them being Youtube.

The camgirls, casinos and courses businesses are just a cover up.
1) Camgirls - he talked about how many camgirls he used to pimp, but he barely showed any proof of his claims. No studio pictures, no girls picture, just some random whore called "cobramfc".
2) Casinos - he bragged about those so much, yet when he presented them, they looked like third world village casinos. You cannot call that crappy shed a casino...
3) Courses - I was amazed about the stupidy of the proof that he brought for the Forex Course. Just some randomly staged Whatsapp/Telegram conversations where unknown dudes bragged about making irrational profits in single days.
Also, check the prices that he practices for these courses. Outrageous prices, that would only help to achieve less transactions[and less work] for money/crypto laundering.

These businesses are only a cover up for other illegal things that they are doing.

PS: By the way, "How to be a G...", he meant "...gay family of dorks". They are nothing more than that.
For someone who wants to pay a visit to these human garbages this is the location:
Voluntari, Drumul Bisericii street, No:50, Ilfov County, Romania, on the outskirts of Bucharest.

:))))) bwahahaha this video goes so well with this

Very useful Bordeles, many people would like to know that address.

For a better localization, the GPS coordinates: 44.502655, 26.121492 , if you put in "Drumul Bisericii 50" in Google Maps it will show another house, I went up and down on that street but I finally found it,his big pool gave it away :))) I attached a satellite picture of it.

At that address there's a firm listed, "MEDVET DIAGNOSTIC SRL "reg number J23/4253/2016 24 October 2016, 2016 ,the year the Tates moved from the U.K their scamming hideout to a eastern european country, Romania.


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