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Problem Cobratate.com Forex signal provider is a scam. Formidable Forex Powerhouse.

I am having an issue with a company
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Dudes, just file chargebacks, if they fail, tough luck and don't be stupid enough to fall for stuff online LOL!

You guys are retarded if they will refund you a penny... Just learn how this blackhat game is played and play it... or get burned.

I agree that we're retards but there should be some justice in this world otherwise there will be only blackhats, no whitehats.
I agree that we're retards but there should be some justice in this world otherwise there will be only blackhats, no whitehats.

You guys learned a lesson on how to sell a product or service. Replay the whole sales process, how you found it, why you got interested, what got you hooked, and repeat that on your own business.

I am a blackhat myself, but I don't scam unsuspecting people, I go after big companies that scam people, so I know how this works.

Open chargebacks or disputes, if they fail, consider it a lesson learned on how to sell. Either way, nothing lost and everything to gain.
You guys learned a lesson on how to sell a product or service. Replay the whole sales process, how you found it, why you got interested, what got you hooked, and repeat that on your own business.

I am a blackhat myself, but I don't scam unsuspecting people, I go after big companies that scam people, so I know how this works.

Open chargebacks or disputes, if they fail, consider it a lesson learned on how to sell. Either way, nothing lost and everything to gain.

Andrew Tate uses a very simple but effective sales tactic:

He created for himself a fake online persona of a successful online entrepreneur where he dissects dogmas that are very popular right now like conspiracy theories,feminism, western decadence,luxury living etc thus appealing to so many young men wasting their time online these days

After he gets us hooked ,our conscious brain lowers its barriers allowing him to insert the seeds of his scams in our brain, some seeds will sprout while other won't , even a percentage of 1% sprouting is still financially acceptable for him to keep this going. It takes a big personal shock for the seed to start sprouting, in my case it was a family tragedy where I got desperate.

Due to his enormous ego he makes mistakes where he's brutally honest : ""I don't care at all about you(us viewers) I only care about getting paid""

Also in his "How to be a G" course( that can be found on torrents) he said it himself, find a affiliate marketing gig and pump up the price to infinite if there are still fools to buy it, that's what he doing with cobratate.com website, getting cheap info from others and marking up the price 1000X times over, basing his markup on his online persona power to influence.

He's now tapping into a new niche of people to attract and scam, the "energy" believers, he keeps talking about how energy works probably looking to start to sell a "energy" course, well if "energy" exchanges were true, at the amount of negative energy I sent towards him these past months, he should be dead or at least with a serious disease(not counting his brain psychopathic one)
I have all his courses, PM i'll send you the link
I want people to upload them everywhere.

FPA Forums Team Note: Whether or not a product is a scam does not change copyright law. You are offering to illegally give away copies of copyrighted material. That is a crime. The FPA does not support criminal behavior. You have been banned.
I was also scammed by this service. Coffeezilla has made lots of great scammer expose videos on his channel. Please report Tate brothers to him. You can find the channel and email at youtube.com/channel/UCFQMnBA3CS502aghlcr0_aw/about
This thread alone has already cost them thousands so that's good.

Yes, I agree, report him to Coffeezilla and his reputation will be damaged even more.
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