Hello guys.

Can it go lower? Yes.
Will it go lower? Maybe.

Once people stop freaking out and figure out that the Brexit changes absolutely nothing for at least 2 years, maybe they'll stop pricing in scenarios of the UK crashing because of lack if support from the EU in the next few weeks. At that point, I expect that some level of sanity will return to the market.
i ve watched oil yesterday after the inventories. It went from 48 to 44.95$. Buy at 45.17, i hope for a rebound somewhere at 46
Personally, I'd like to see it head up to the 70's. It appears that some countries are upset that the US "drill our way out of insane levels of dependence on foreign oil" are trying to bankrupt some of the companies having success inside the USA. If they succeed, oil would head WAY up the moment all the newer US projects shut down.

The Japanese pulled the same stunt with RAM chips for PCs in the late 1980's. They slashed prices until the last US manufacturer went under, then sent prices through the roof.