Blockchain Develpoment:
Platform coded in python that can process trillions of transactions per 10 seconds in a T1 = 1 or (T24 hour) end of day calculations for validations of all transacted events. , Reference the Banking ACH T+2 Financial system. Improve Upon this system a centralized blockchain environment. Ensure each transaction can be tracked back to the original wallet source. Parameters for wallet system: Generate a 32 bit character address code as an integer, randomly generated using the Fibonacci sequence method. Mask each 32 bit generated address code to a single 16 bit digit static integer number expressed in a format grouping of 4 digits separated in 4 group segments. Achieve infinite number masking of 32 bit character numbers to use the same base 16 bit integer digit number for each account by using the following equation: N16 +1x- Initialization: in python Float the following out to a random number with 32 characters with 1 as the initial value = 1x; . Int N = 16a+y; representing the base 16 bit number. The base 16 bit number is to remain static producing N randomly upon initial wallet creation. y is to be used as an association with the x in the equation N16+1x 32 bit Float number. 16a is representation of each account generated. loop a infinitely in an iteration loop that can that can produce an unlimited amount of wallets ensuring that no wallets have the exact same character strings and no wallets are the same. Enable a portability function that the wallets can be used on any smart device to include apple watches, google watches, cell phones, RSA token, YUBI keys, or any enabled touch sensor system.
Security Directives:
- Enroll each users face into the system for facial recognition software. To be updated every 3 years for facial progression.
- POS systems in store are to have a CCTV Camera system that can see the buyers/clients face. If the facial recognition software cannot verify the face or if the end users face is obscured. Deny all sales at the POS. Proceed to directive 3 while simultaneously automatically locking the stores front door system. Issue a dispatch call to the authorities by calling 911 or the emergency response system.
- Enable an AI monitoring System that alerts if there is are non common patterns of transactions being produced by the current user wallet behavior activities.
- create 5-7 tier authentication system: Tier 1 Voice activation. Tier 2 Retina Scan of smart phone device with built in camera system of smart phone device. Tier 3. Bio metric Scan of thumb on phone. 4. Google Authentication, or smart phone Authentication system. 5. Text Message, or email, or phone call, or facial recognition. 6. Fail safe Authentication. 7 security code phrases. These are to change every 7 months with newly created questions and answers.
- Have the end user input up to 3 emergency personal contacts for security monitoring purposes. Have the end user input the following information about their personal contacts. Name - First and Last, Phone number, and City of Address.
- Should a security trigger engage. Initiate each layer in succession up to 3 levels. If something is off about one question go down each layer. As AI will determine if this is the actual user of the account or continue down the chain of authentication layers, until you reach a boolean operator, to determine if the responses are accurate and authentic to verify if this is the end user. If it is the end user resume operations of the account and validate all transactions. If the user is invalid in authentications the account with incorrect validation methods, Perform the following actions: the account should be disabled. Notify all contacts in directive 3. Enable GPS mechanisms of device last known location.
- Based off of Directive 3. Use as Boolean operators. If the user is determined to be fraudulently in possession of another persons wallet device. Disable the account and send a new device to the end user and alert the Emergency Services Authorities - 911 and report a fraud case with the current GPS system location. Contact the device issuing company. Contact IMF cybersecurity fraud and prevention department.
- Perform Asynchronous transactions through each day random times during 24 hours of the day to 7 different back up locations in over link-state protocol for local backups and over the BGP protocol. Never use distant vector protocol methods do not always advertise routing tables for any backup of TCP packets to prevent sniffing of the networks should external forces ever infiltrate networks.
- Switch from incremental asynchronous backups to one finalized back across the edge network over to an offsite data center during a fail-over cycling.
- Backup continuously on legacy tape libraries - reason - true fail safe to any EMP or electronic threat as tapes are not effected by emp pulses.
Creating a highly secure blockchain platform capable of processing trillions of transactions per second, with robust authentication and security features, is a complex task that goes beyond typical blockchain implementations. Below is a conceptual and partial implementation in Python that outlines key components such as wallet generation, blockchain structure, and security directives.
This implementation will focus on the following aspects:
- Wallet Generation using the Fibonacci sequence.
- Basic Blockchain Structure to handle transactions.
- Security Directives outline, focusing on multi-factor authentication and monitoring.
Due to the complexity and length of the task, the code will provide a foundational structure that can be expanded upon.
Coding Framework Infrastructure:
1. Wallet Generation
We generate a 32-bit address using the Fibonacci sequence and mask it to a 16-bit address.
import hashlib
import random
class Wallet:
def __init__(self):
self.address_32 = self.generate_32_bit_address()
self.address_16 = self.mask_to_16_bit(self.address_32)
def generate_32_bit_address(self):
fib_sequence = [0, 1]
while len(fib_sequence) < 32:
fib_sequence.append(fib_sequence[-1] + fib_sequence[-2])
fib_hash = hashlib.sha256(str(fib_sequence).encode()).hexdigest()[:8] # 32-bit hash
return int(fib_hash, 16)
def mask_to_16_bit(self, address_32):
mask = random.getrandbits(16)
return address_32 & mask
# Example usage
wallet = Wallet()
print(f"32-bit Address: {wallet.address_32}")
print(f"16-bit Masked Address: {wallet.address_16}")
2. Basic Blockchain Structure
A simple blockchain structure to store blocks and transactions.
import time
class Transaction:
def __init__(self, sender, receiver, amount):
self.sender = sender
self.receiver = receiver
self.amount = amount
self.timestamp = time.time()
class Block:
def __init__(self, previous_hash):
self.timestamp = time.time()
self.transactions = []
self.previous_hash = previous_hash
self.nonce = 0
self.hash = self.calculate_hash()
def calculate_hash(self):
block_string = str(self.timestamp) + str(self.transactions) + str(self.previous_hash) + str(self.nonce)
return hashlib.sha256(block_string.encode()).hexdigest()
def mine_block(self, difficulty):
target = '0' * difficulty
while self.hash[:difficulty] != target:
self.nonce += 1
self.hash = self.calculate_hash()
class Blockchain:
def __init__(self):
self.chain = [self.create_genesis_block()]
self.difficulty = 4
self.pending_transactions = []
def create_genesis_block(self):
return Block("0")
def get_latest_block(self):
return self.chain[-1]
def add_block(self, new_block):
new_block.previous_hash = self.get_latest_block().hash
def create_transaction(self, transaction):
def process_pending_transactions(self):
block = Block(self.get_latest_block().hash)
block.transactions = self.pending_transactions
self.pending_transactions = []
# Example usage
blockchain = Blockchain()
blockchain.create_transaction(Transaction("Alice", "Bob", 50))
for block in blockchain.chain:
print(f"Block Hash: {block.hash}")
print(f"Transactions: {block.transactions}")
3. Security Directives
A conceptual implementation of multi-factor authentication and monitoring system.
class SecuritySystem:
def __init__(self):
self.tier_authentication = {
1: self.voice_activation,
2: self.retina_scan,
3: self.biometric_scan,
4: self.google_authentication,
5: self.text_message_verification,
6: self.failsafe_authentication,
7: self.security_code_phrases
self.emergency_contacts = []
def enroll_facial_recognition(self, user_face):
# Placeholder for facial recognition enrollment logic
print("Enrolling facial recognition for user.")
def voice_activation(self):
# Placeholder for voice activation logic
print("Voice activation completed.")
def retina_scan(self):
# Placeholder for retina scan logic
print("Retina scan completed.")
def biometric_scan(self):
# Placeholder for biometric scan logic
print("Biometric scan completed.")
def google_authentication(self):
# Placeholder for Google authentication logic
print("Google authentication completed.")
def text_message_verification(self):
# Placeholder for text message verification logic
print("Text message verification completed.")
def failsafe_authentication(self):
# Placeholder for failsafe authentication logic
print("Failsafe authentication completed.")
def security_code_phrases(self):
# Placeholder for security code phrases logic
print("Security code phrases verification completed.")
def add_emergency_contact(self, name, phone, city):
self.emergency_contacts.append({"name": name, "phone": phone, "city": city})
def initiate_security_protocol(self):
for tier in range(1, 8):
# Example usage
security = SecuritySystem()
security.enroll_facial_recognition("User Face Data")
security.add_emergency_contact("John Doe", "1234567890", "New York")
4. Portability and Additional Security Features
Implementing full portability and additional security features (like integration with facial recognition software and AI monitoring) would require more advanced frameworks and integrations with external APIs and services. The provided code gives a foundational structure to build upon.
This Python implementation provides a starting point for a highly secure blockchain platform. It includes wallet generation using the Fibonacci sequence, basic blockchain structure, and a conceptual security system with multi-factor authentication. Scaling this to handle trillions of transactions per second and integrating advanced security measures would require further development, optimization, and integration with specialized hardware and software solutions.