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    More info coming soon.

Discuss Storm FX Marketz Forex/Crypto Broker has a special HYISA Savings Account Program.

General discussions of a financial company
Blockchain Develpoment:

Platform coded in python that can process trillions of transactions per 10 seconds in a T1 = 1 or (T24 hour) end of day calculations for validations of all transacted events. , Reference the Banking ACH T+2 Financial system. Improve Upon this system a centralized blockchain environment. Ensure each transaction can be tracked back to the original wallet source. Parameters for wallet system: Generate a 32 bit character address code as an integer, randomly generated using the Fibonacci sequence method. Mask each 32 bit generated address code to a single 16 bit digit static integer number expressed in a format grouping of 4 digits separated in 4 group segments. Achieve infinite number masking of 32 bit character numbers to use the same base 16 bit integer digit number for each account by using the following equation: N16 +1x- Initialization: in python Float the following out to a random number with 32 characters with 1 as the initial value = 1x; . Int N = 16a+y; representing the base 16 bit number. The base 16 bit number is to remain static producing N randomly upon initial wallet creation. y is to be used as an association with the x in the equation N16+1x 32 bit Float number. 16a is representation of each account generated. loop a infinitely in an iteration loop that can that can produce an unlimited amount of wallets ensuring that no wallets have the exact same character strings and no wallets are the same. Enable a portability function that the wallets can be used on any smart device to include apple watches, google watches, cell phones, RSA token, YUBI keys, or any enabled touch sensor system.

Security Directives:

  1. Enroll each users face into the system for facial recognition software. To be updated every 3 years for facial progression.

  2. POS systems in store are to have a CCTV Camera system that can see the buyers/clients face. If the facial recognition software cannot verify the face or if the end users face is obscured. Deny all sales at the POS. Proceed to directive 3 while simultaneously automatically locking the stores front door system. Issue a dispatch call to the authorities by calling 911 or the emergency response system.

  3. Enable an AI monitoring System that alerts if there is are non common patterns of transactions being produced by the current user wallet behavior activities.

  4. create 5-7 tier authentication system: Tier 1 Voice activation. Tier 2 Retina Scan of smart phone device with built in camera system of smart phone device. Tier 3. Bio metric Scan of thumb on phone. 4. Google Authentication, or smart phone Authentication system. 5. Text Message, or email, or phone call, or facial recognition. 6. Fail safe Authentication. 7 security code phrases. These are to change every 7 months with newly created questions and answers.

  5. Have the end user input up to 3 emergency personal contacts for security monitoring purposes. Have the end user input the following information about their personal contacts. Name - First and Last, Phone number, and City of Address.

  6. Should a security trigger engage. Initiate each layer in succession up to 3 levels. If something is off about one question go down each layer. As AI will determine if this is the actual user of the account or continue down the chain of authentication layers, until you reach a boolean operator, to determine if the responses are accurate and authentic to verify if this is the end user. If it is the end user resume operations of the account and validate all transactions. If the user is invalid in authentications the account with incorrect validation methods, Perform the following actions: the account should be disabled. Notify all contacts in directive 3. Enable GPS mechanisms of device last known location.

  7. Based off of Directive 3. Use as Boolean operators. If the user is determined to be fraudulently in possession of another persons wallet device. Disable the account and send a new device to the end user and alert the Emergency Services Authorities - 911 and report a fraud case with the current GPS system location. Contact the device issuing company. Contact IMF cybersecurity fraud and prevention department.

  8. Perform Asynchronous transactions through each day random times during 24 hours of the day to 7 different back up locations in over link-state protocol for local backups and over the BGP protocol. Never use distant vector protocol methods do not always advertise routing tables for any backup of TCP packets to prevent sniffing of the networks should external forces ever infiltrate networks.

  9. Switch from incremental asynchronous backups to one finalized back across the edge network over to an offsite data center during a fail-over cycling.

  10. Backup continuously on legacy tape libraries - reason - true fail safe to any EMP or electronic threat as tapes are not effected by emp pulses.
Creating a highly secure blockchain platform capable of processing trillions of transactions per second, with robust authentication and security features, is a complex task that goes beyond typical blockchain implementations. Below is a conceptual and partial implementation in Python that outlines key components such as wallet generation, blockchain structure, and security directives.

This implementation will focus on the following aspects:

  1. Wallet Generation using the Fibonacci sequence.
  2. Basic Blockchain Structure to handle transactions.
  3. Security Directives outline, focusing on multi-factor authentication and monitoring.
Due to the complexity and length of the task, the code will provide a foundational structure that can be expanded upon.

Coding Framework Infrastructure:

1. Wallet Generation

We generate a 32-bit address using the Fibonacci sequence and mask it to a 16-bit address.

import hashlib
import random

class Wallet:
def __init__(self):
self.address_32 = self.generate_32_bit_address()
self.address_16 = self.mask_to_16_bit(self.address_32)

def generate_32_bit_address(self):
fib_sequence = [0, 1]
while len(fib_sequence) < 32:
fib_sequence.append(fib_sequence[-1] + fib_sequence[-2])
fib_hash = hashlib.sha256(str(fib_sequence).encode()).hexdigest()[:8] # 32-bit hash
return int(fib_hash, 16)

def mask_to_16_bit(self, address_32):
mask = random.getrandbits(16)
return address_32 & mask

# Example usage
wallet = Wallet()
print(f"32-bit Address: {wallet.address_32}")
print(f"16-bit Masked Address: {wallet.address_16}")

2. Basic Blockchain Structure
A simple blockchain structure to store blocks and transactions.

import time

class Transaction:
def __init__(self, sender, receiver, amount):
self.sender = sender
self.receiver = receiver
self.amount = amount
self.timestamp = time.time()

class Block:
def __init__(self, previous_hash):
self.timestamp = time.time()
self.transactions = []
self.previous_hash = previous_hash
self.nonce = 0
self.hash = self.calculate_hash()

def calculate_hash(self):
block_string = str(self.timestamp) + str(self.transactions) + str(self.previous_hash) + str(self.nonce)
return hashlib.sha256(block_string.encode()).hexdigest()

def mine_block(self, difficulty):
target = '0' * difficulty
while self.hash[:difficulty] != target:
self.nonce += 1
self.hash = self.calculate_hash()

class Blockchain:
def __init__(self):
self.chain = [self.create_genesis_block()]
self.difficulty = 4
self.pending_transactions = []

def create_genesis_block(self):
return Block("0")

def get_latest_block(self):
return self.chain[-1]

def add_block(self, new_block):
new_block.previous_hash = self.get_latest_block().hash

def create_transaction(self, transaction):

def process_pending_transactions(self):
block = Block(self.get_latest_block().hash)
block.transactions = self.pending_transactions
self.pending_transactions = []

# Example usage
blockchain = Blockchain()
blockchain.create_transaction(Transaction("Alice", "Bob", 50))
for block in blockchain.chain:
print(f"Block Hash: {block.hash}")
print(f"Transactions: {block.transactions}")

3. Security Directives
A conceptual implementation of multi-factor authentication and monitoring system.

class SecuritySystem:
def __init__(self):
self.tier_authentication = {
1: self.voice_activation,
2: self.retina_scan,
3: self.biometric_scan,
4: self.google_authentication,
5: self.text_message_verification,
6: self.failsafe_authentication,
7: self.security_code_phrases
self.emergency_contacts = []

def enroll_facial_recognition(self, user_face):
# Placeholder for facial recognition enrollment logic
print("Enrolling facial recognition for user.")

def voice_activation(self):
# Placeholder for voice activation logic
print("Voice activation completed.")

def retina_scan(self):
# Placeholder for retina scan logic
print("Retina scan completed.")

def biometric_scan(self):
# Placeholder for biometric scan logic
print("Biometric scan completed.")

def google_authentication(self):
# Placeholder for Google authentication logic
print("Google authentication completed.")

def text_message_verification(self):
# Placeholder for text message verification logic
print("Text message verification completed.")

def failsafe_authentication(self):
# Placeholder for failsafe authentication logic
print("Failsafe authentication completed.")

def security_code_phrases(self):
# Placeholder for security code phrases logic
print("Security code phrases verification completed.")

def add_emergency_contact(self, name, phone, city):
self.emergency_contacts.append({"name": name, "phone": phone, "city": city})

def initiate_security_protocol(self):
for tier in range(1, 8):

# Example usage
security = SecuritySystem()
security.enroll_facial_recognition("User Face Data")
security.add_emergency_contact("John Doe", "1234567890", "New York")

4. Portability and Additional Security Features

Implementing full portability and additional security features (like integration with facial recognition software and AI monitoring) would require more advanced frameworks and integrations with external APIs and services. The provided code gives a foundational structure to build upon.


This Python implementation provides a starting point for a highly secure blockchain platform. It includes wallet generation using the Fibonacci sequence, basic blockchain structure, and a conceptual security system with multi-factor authentication. Scaling this to handle trillions of transactions per second and integrating advanced security measures would require further development, optimization, and integration with specialized hardware and software solutions.
Updated with Auto/Cars Voucher Allotment Section:

Author: Jamil Brown - Owner of Storm FX Marketz

Initial Draft for consideration.

Financial UBHI - Universal Basic High Income - EcoSystem:

Actionable Steps for Global Debt/Credit Reset:

  1. Get rid of all FIAT Currencies –
    1. Reasons: Eliminate Waste Example:
      1. No carbon emission from cutting down of trees for printing press.
      2. End of jobs for armored banking security services. This is possible due to digital currency infrastructure. – Employee’s jobs will be replaced by UBHI. Early retirement. Travel and Spending is encouraged to eliminate Global Debt by purchasing goods and services abroad
      3. Elimination of teller jobs. – Employee’s jobs will be replaced by UBHI. Early retirement. Travel and Spending is encouraged to eliminate Global Debt by purchasing goods and services abroad.

  1. Establish a 4 tier with (2 or X hidden back up underground unknown) Redundant Financial Data Center in each participating country globally.
    1. Central financial HUB oversight Data Center Facility Constructs: [Parent = IMF = International Monetary Fund: USA | Washington DC: Nearby Physical Security Presence HQ DOJ/FBI.
    2. Child = Replicated cloud data centers will act as mirrored HUBs controlled as remote operations of Parent Data Center Facility Locations: Each Financial HUB Mirror will be geographically located near trading Centers of their corresponding participant countries of the UBHI System.
    3. The ISO standard for all sovereign governments will comply in uniform security posture and required redundancies verified by revised compliant SOC Audits, This is the following template requirements for participating country compliance:
      1. A 4-tier redundant data center cluster formation establishment. With one fail safe as a hidden underground facility or 5th backup facility that can recreate the whole entire 4-tier cluster by autonomous reconstruction.
      2. Proactively research enhancements of blockchain technology with the assistance of AI. Also established a strong team of financial analytics researchers for any additional improvement to the Global Economy.
      3. Ensure that all hardened and cyber security apparatuses are in place to advert all security threats.
      4. High level Operational Loadout of Security Forces Team.
        1. For physical security DOJ/FBI will be armed and present on all federal campuses as a deterrent for bad actors.
        2. 7 physical Layers of security before arrival to any data center floor.
          1. Layer 1: Gate entrance. Monitored by thermal Xray imagery camera systems, facial recognition, bomb sniffing guard dogs, Rearward facing license plate ALPR = Automatic License Plate Readers connected to LAW Enforcement Database Systems. Underground below the main gate is a fully armed unit with vehicles ready for any pursuits. A squad of X is geared up on rotation 24/7 in a climate-controlled facility with access to all connecting underground networks of the facility only accessible to their security forces members.
            1. If there is a gate breach the SF will initiate a QRF – Quick Reactionary Force to the upper level at the gate and engage the target with non-lethal force only engaging in lethal force if it is necessary.
            2. Security forces equipment loadout is to be comprised of the following:
              1. Advanced Combat Armor – ACA
                1. Exoskeleton helmet. – Climate Controlled
                2. Hud
                3. Targeting System
                4. Threat Analysis
                5. AI software system with embedded encryption.
                6. Exoskeleton body armor – Climate Controlled
                7. Exoskeleton leg armor – Climate Controlled
                8. Bullet inversion mechanism – Classified
                9. IFF Is it Friend or Foe Sensor
                10. Helmet mounted HUD Tracking System.
                11. Live Helmet Body Cam System.
                12. Cloaking system.
                13. Weapons: 1 Tazer, 1 Maze, 1 Tier Gas Grenade, 1 Stun Grenade, 1 Concussion Grenade, 2 smokes, Sidearm M17, Main Weapon XM7
                14. Built in backpack storage system on the upper body armor portion.
                15. Insignia spots will have Velcro in the respective spots. As well as rank on their respective spots.
        3. Cyber security template:

  1. A triple redundant encryption algo authentication system that changes codes every 30 seconds or X seconds with the failsafe of biometrics.

    1. Replace the IMF with AIMF = Automated International Monetary Fund.
  1. IMF Heads and Executives will get a retirement pension of 1 billion USD equivalent in AUX/AUC = Allied Universal Exchange/Allied Universal Coin:
    1. AUX distributes digital currencies amongst all countries IMF HUBs [FED Coin] facilities which then distributes credits consumer-based coin systems in place.
    2. FED/Consumer Coin Blockchain.
  2. Further developing cyber security:
    1. Establish hardened security of all financial data centers protected by DOJ. All agents of financial centers must undergo an extensive background check and obtain TS/SCI clearance.

Geolocation For Financial Data Centers:

  1. All Central Blockchain Banking Data Centers must have biometric scanners for door unlocks with retina scanners for door entries and exits. All persons must be searched upon entry/exit.
  2. Log all entry and exit doors to all SCIF’s on multiple server logging systems. Accessing of security logs are done through a password less authenticator app device. There should be 3 authenticator Devices. Cyber Security Management Head should have 1 device. Cyber Security Director should have an auth device and the CTO should authenticator device.
  3. The Data Center Floor, where servers are housed must be equipped with 4-tiered camera systems. Cameras under the raised floor. Overhead cameras in each server aisle. Camera inside each server Rack front and back. Each technician that works on server equipment must wear a body camera when inside the SCIF.
  4. All body cams should be equipped with a biometric scanner for check out of each body camera and logged on all systems.
  5. Development of FED Coin: Also, the current currency three letter symbol codes can remain intact for Example USD/EUR/GBP/AUD/NZD/JPY - Everything will just be ecofriendly transitioned over to digital ecosystem.
    1. HR for Technology Management.
    2. Programmers continuously develop blockchain technology.
    3. Cyber security analyst.
    4. Security Group
    5. Research and Development
    6. Help Desk
    7. Financial Analyst
    8. Hedge Fund Managers
    9. Financial oversight committee
    10. Enable AI Automation for any of these job titles and make them optional
    11. Universal Basic High Income can enable optional work for people who want to volunteer time to work in a technological aspect to helping in Utopian example of eternal existence.
  6. Develop Consumer Coin:
    1. Repeat steps of FED Coin sub steps.
  7. Allocation of funds.
    1. FED Coin: Initial Balance 700 trillion AUX = All Universal Exchange
    2. Consumer Coin: Every year each person is automatically issued 10,000,000.00 USD.
    3. FED Coin: Regenerative balances every 20 years.
    4. Consumer Coin: Issued to every citizen at birth not embedded as a chip but on an electrical device card like your social security card assigned to you at birth.

  1. With this method of finance:
    1. No more bank robberies in a cashless civilization.
    2. Every merchant of goods and services will be issued a FED Coin/Consumer Coin POS device for transactions of Goods and Services.
    3. All transactions purchased will be accounted for over blockchain technologies.
    4. Eliminate the IRS - Not necessary.
  2. Elimination of the World Debt:
    1. Encourage Travel.
    2. Everyone can engage in P2P Loan Systems should one run low on yearly UBHI
    3. Emergency FED Coin Loan can be issued for half the initial allotment only once.
  3. Housing:
    1. Land:
      1. Zone off near areas of interest.
      2. Each Citizen is entitled to 3 properties globally
    2. When you buy a house, credits are automatically deducted from your Consumer Coin accounts based off the current property value due to current cost of living with any inflation/deflation rate calculations.
    3. Housing payments are made by paying a rate of X % of the current home equity rate based of the current geolocation area housing rates which, are paid directly back to the (FED/IMF – Foreign Country) Coin Reserves.
  4. Auto/Cars:
    1. Perpetual auto leasing system with all direct manufacturer dealerships:
      1. The auto/car system will work much like a Yearly permanent rental system with unlimited upgrades.
      2. Every citizen at the driving age of 16 is entitled to 1 car allowance voucher. Can be any car at any dealership on the government sanctioned leasing system. For age 25 and above you are entitled to 4 car allowance vouchers.
      3. The Car Voucher system works as follows:
        1. Any car you pick you can keep the same car model of car indefinitely, but each year you are required to return the car for a new car issuance upgrade.
        2. You will receive the same make and model of the car but the latest update-upgraded model of the current year. Therefore you will always have the latest model of car with all future updates, safety configurations, bug fixes, etc.
        3. The car which you have returned will be reclaimed, back in possession by the original vendor manufacturer. The manufacturer will be able to recertify the car. Recycle the car. Repurpose the car. Analyze car data, Cannibalize the car for updating or parts for future models of cars. ETC.
        4. Then based upon your return you will be issued with the current years make and model of car.
        5. You will also be able to go to another Car Vendor/Manufacturer and select another model of car of your choosing.
        6. The cycle is to repeat every year upon issuance of your UBHI – Allowance.
        7. You can also change out your car anytime you want throughout the year if you wish as well.
        8. Depending on the amount of car vouchers you have you can only occupy 1 car per voucher at any given time.
          1. Example: If you are 25 years of age and have an allotment of 4 car vouchers, A person can own only 4 cars at any given time. In which one can change out the 4 cars as many times as they want throughout each year. As a voucher holder a person can only occupy 1/ or 4 cars per voucher allotment at any given instance.
      4. As the car lease voucher owner, you are responsible for payments of all maintenance costs, car modifications, insurance, fuel, etc.
      5. All car servicing events must be done at the original car issuing manufacturing company. To balance the costs for the dealer supplying citizens cars. You will be responsible for paying the pre-defined amount automatically deducted from your UBHI of x.xx based off the type of chosen cars precalculated service rates agreed upon by the car dealerships, to paid annually upon the issuance of your annual UBHI allowance.
      6. The CAP maximum a dealer can charge for car servicing based on any car is 100,000.00 USD per car slot voucher out of a citizens (UBHI – Yearly Allowance of 10,000,000.00 USD) .
  5. Defense COIN: Initial Balance 1000 trillion AUX.
    1. Classified spending
  6. Space COIN: Initial Balance 70000 trillion AUX Equivalent.
    1. Spending budget for SpaceX
    2. Space Exploration
    3. Space Vehicles
    4. Space Research.
  7. Food Coin: X amount determined by financial analyst
  8. Health Care Coin: X amount determined by financial analyst
  9. Continued Research on Blockchain FED/Consumer Coin systems.
  10. This same formula is to be replicated across all sovereign nations.
  11. This will also be replicated across your own planet when you establish your own empires. After the star systems have all been created and fully mapped out which will take approximately 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years or so to fully complete maybe more.

AI Analysis and Proof Reading of given information:

Analysis of the Universal Basic High Income (UBHI) Ecosystem Plan

Political, Theoretical, and Logical Evaluation

  1. Political Feasibility
Global Consensus: The plan requires a global consensus to eliminate all fiat currencies and adopt a universal digital currency system. This consensus is politically challenging as it involves sovereignty issues, economic policies, and varying degrees of technological infrastructure across countries.

International Relations: Centralizing financial oversight under the Automated International Monetary Fund (AIMF) might face resistance from countries with strong independent financial policies.

Legislative Approval: Implementation of such a sweeping change would require legislative approval in each participating country, which could face significant opposition.

  1. Theoretical Feasibility
Economic Theory: The idea of a Universal Basic High Income (UBHI) aligns with the economic theory of stimulating demand by providing individuals with purchasing power. However, the sustainability of continuously issuing high amounts of digital currency without causing inflation needs thorough examination.

Digital Currency: The replacement of fiat currencies with digital currencies is theoretically sound in reducing printing costs and enhancing transaction efficiency. However, the transition period could be economically disruptive.

Debt Elimination: Encouraging global spending to eliminate debt assumes that there will be sufficient economic activities to counterbalance debt. This might not be universally applicable or sustainable.

  1. Logical Feasibility
Infrastructure: The plan outlines robust infrastructure for data centers, cybersecurity, and physical security. This is logically sound but requires enormous upfront investment and ongoing maintenance costs.

Employment Transition: The plan suggests replacing traditional banking jobs with UBHI. While theoretically sound, practically, it involves massive retraining and reskilling efforts. - Tellers can work remotely represented by virtual holograms or augmented reality.

Blockchain Technology: Utilizing blockchain for transparency and security in financial transactions is logical. However, the scalability and energy consumption of blockchain technology are ongoing challenges.

Sustainability and Suitability

  1. Economic Sustainability
Inflation Control: The continuous issuance of large amounts of digital currency (10 million USD per person annually) could lead to hyperinflation if not managed correctly.

Resource Allocation: Allocating funds for various coins (Defense, Space, Meal, etc.) needs precise planning to avoid resource mismanagement.

  1. Technological Suitability
Blockchain Implementation: The current blockchain technology, while secure, has limitations in transaction speed and energy consumption. Proactive research and AI-assisted enhancements are crucial.

Cybersecurity: The proposed triple redundant encryption and biometric authentication enhance security but require cutting-edge technology and constant updates to combat evolving cyber threats.

  1. Social Impact
Employment: Transitioning to a UBHI system with significant automation could lead to initial unemployment spikes. The plan needs detailed strategies for job creation in new sectors.

Inequality Reduction: UBHI aims to reduce economic inequality by providing a basic income. However, managing the disparity in digital literacy and access to technology is essential.

Proving or Disproving Currency Necessity

Necessity of Currency: The plan does not disprove the necessity of currency but rather transforms it from physical to digital. Digital currency under the UBHI ecosystem aims to streamline economic transactions, reduce waste, and enhance security.

Implementation Rationale: Implementing a UBHI system with digital currencies is necessary to adapt to the evolving global economy, where digital transactions are becoming the norm. It also aims to address economic inequalities and foster global economic stability.


Proving Currency: The UBHI ecosystem plan proves the necessity of currency by transitioning from fiat to digital, enhancing efficiency and security.

Implementation: While theoretically and logically sound, the plan's political feasibility and sustainability require careful consideration and extensive global cooperation.

Recommendation: Further detailed analysis and pilot programs in select regions could help refine the plan and address potential challenges before global implementation.


This analysis is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as financial or legal advice.

Optimization of UBHI:

Optimizing the Universal Basic High Income (UBHI) Ecosystem plan for a no-fail, perpetual system requires addressing several key areas: economic sustainability, technological robustness, social equity, and governance. Below are the recommended optimizations:

Economic Sustainability

  1. Gradual Implementation:
Phased Rollout: Introduce the digital currency and UBHI in phases. Start with pilot programs in select regions to identify and address potential issues before a global rollout.

Inflation Control: Implement strict monetary policies to control inflation. Use AI and advanced analytics to monitor economic indicators and adjust currency issuance accordingly.

  1. Dynamic UBHI Allocation:
Income Adjustment: Instead of a fixed amount, UBHI should be dynamically adjusted based on the cost of living, inflation rates, and economic performance.

Spending Controls: Implement spending limits or controls to prevent market saturation and ensure sustainable consumption levels.

  1. Diversified Economic Activities:
Encouragement of Innovation: Foster innovation and entrepreneurship by providing grants and incentives for new businesses and technologies.

Balanced Sectoral Growth: Ensure balanced growth across various sectors, including technology, healthcare, education, and sustainable industries.

Technological Robustness

  1. Advanced Blockchain Technology:
Scalability: Develop or adopt advanced blockchain technologies that can handle high transaction volumes with low energy consumption.

Interoperability: Ensure the digital currency system is interoperable with existing financial systems and technologies for seamless integration.

  1. Enhanced Cybersecurity:
Quantum-Resistant Encryption: Implement quantum-resistant encryption algorithms to future-proof the security of the digital currency.

Continuous Monitoring: Establish continuous monitoring systems with AI to detect and mitigate cyber threats in real-time.

  1. Redundant and Decentralized Infrastructure:
Geographical Distribution: Distribute data centers across diverse geographical locations to prevent single points of failure.

Decentralized Management: Use decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) for managing certain aspects of the financial ecosystem, reducing the risk of corruption and enhancing transparency.

Social Equity

  1. Inclusive Access:
Digital Literacy Programs: Implement widespread digital literacy programs to ensure everyone can access and use the digital currency system.

Universal Internet Access: Provide universal and affordable internet access to facilitate digital transactions and participation in the UBHI system.

  1. Supportive Measures:
Retraining Programs: Offer retraining programs for individuals whose jobs are replaced by automation and digitalization.

Social Services: Enhance social services to support individuals during the transition to a digital economy.

Governance and Oversight

  1. Transparent Governance:
Global Governance Body: Establish a global governance body with representatives from all participating countries to oversee the UBHI system.

Transparent Reporting: Implement transparent reporting mechanisms for all financial transactions and operations.

  1. Anti-Corruption Measures:
Audit Systems: Regular, independent audits of the financial system to prevent and detect corruption.

Whistleblower Protections: Strong protections for whistleblowers to encourage reporting of any corruption or malpractice.

  1. Legal Framework:
International Legal Standards: Develop and enforce international legal standards for digital currencies and financial data management.

Compliance Mechanisms: Establish strict compliance mechanisms to ensure adherence to legal and regulatory requirements.

Implementation Plan

  1. Pilot Programs:
Start with small-scale pilot programs in diverse regions to test the UBHI system and digital currency infrastructure.

Collect data and feedback to make necessary adjustments before a larger rollout.

  1. Public Engagement:
Engage with the public through awareness campaigns and consultations to build trust and understanding of the new system.

Address concerns and provide clear information on how the system works and its benefits.

  1. Feedback and Iteration:
Continuously gather feedback from users and stakeholders to identify and resolve any issues.

Regularly update and improve the system based on real-world experiences and technological advancements.


By addressing these key areas, the UBHI ecosystem can be optimized for a no-fail, perpetual system with minimal flaws and corruption. Ensuring economic sustainability, technological robustness, social equity, and transparent governance are crucial for the successful implementation of this ambitious plan.


This analysis is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as financial or legal advice.


Now you are saying you might not offer this publicly. That's scam speak for "Limited time offer! Get in while you still can!"

I see you keep claiming to be a long time supporter, but still haven't revealed your prior username. AsstMod told me he sent you a PM and you didn't bother to reply to him either. Once again, a simple question of confirmation gets ignored more than once while the claim gets repeated. I personally consider that alone to be another serious red flag.

When doubts can]t be erased because you don't dare write what you said you could tell me on the phone, now your claimed Legal suddenly tells you that you can't show any proof of live shots, which brings us to . . .

Your screenshots - ROTFLMFAO!!!! :D :D :D

$50k to $26 Billion on one screenshot. $1k to over $6 billion (in a month!) on the other one. Why would you waste 10 seconds offering to let people invest as little as $500 in your magical profit machine or to deal with all the headaches of running a broker if you could do that?

But I see your proof is really isn't even a demo account. It's just a backtest. An over-optimized backtest can generate insane amounts of profits, because the trading rules are set to squeeze as much profit as possible out of that one set of data. This link explains other ways backtests can be used to promise huge profits that never materialize on forward test.

But, what if I'm wrong? Since we obviously don't trust each other at this point, I have something very special for you.

I have a Pharaoh Challenge for you.

When you start live trading, lend me $1 dollar that is already inside to one of the internal trading accounts you surely would have for yourself and your partners. If live trading matches your backtest, it should turn into 6 hundred thousand dollars in a month, which would become $360 billion in 2 months. Of course, anyone sane knows that live trading always underperforms even the most perfect backtest or forward testing on demo, so let's take it down a thousandfold to $360 million. Then, let's say those 2 months were far below average and set a minimum baseline of $10 million in 2 months.

If that dollar has really turned into 10 million dollars or more within 2 months, you win. I will:

Pay you back the dollar, plus $999 interest.
Tell you to keep everything above $10 million.
Have you send $1 million each to 5 charities I specify.
Invest $4 million in your 3% per month plan and pull out only $1 million.
Publicly apologize for doubting you.
Publicly recommend your company as a great investment. If you really are a long time member, you would know that I've never endorsed any company.

I realize this might require a small amount of work on your end, so suggest starting in 2 weeks. But, that would be starting just before the Memorial Day weekend, and it would be sad if thin markets got the test off to a bad start. Instead, please check the balance of one of your accounts trading live by this amazing method on Thursday, May 30th, 2024 and assign $1 to me. Don't make any withdrawals for 2 months and recheck the balance on Tuesday, July 30th, 2024 and see every dollar in the account on May 30th really turned into at least 10 million dollars.

If the dollar doesn't turn into $10 million, you lose. If you feel you still made extremely good profits sustainably with low risk, you will:

Announce how much each dollar grew into.
Provide me with investor access to I can confirm your claim.
Depending on how profitable it was as well as the risk level, we can then discuss options.

How often do you get the chance to provide incontrovertable proof of success for only loaning someone$1 for 2 months?

This DUDE cannot be for freaking real man. He just doesn't know when to stop or he's so hard up on creating a scam that "no one knows about".

Tagging @Pharaoh - look at that dude's latest post. This time he created a new coin that is going to take over the world. (I actually read the documents. Horrible luck at this time. BIG NAMES from Youtube like Logan Paul and TechLead has already pulled this stunt no one is going to trust this now adays.)

wow because of this post i might actually regularly login to this website (FPA)
They maybe saying they are the owners of such ideas but then when you ask them in a public forum to elaborate they will sit there speachless on major topics of higher understanding of universal currency evolutions and EcoSystems. No one will truly give credit to where it is due but in the end times God will pay them for the stealing of the credits.

Don't Panic keep buying Crypto, but think about the current blockchain system. This was always a government beta testing project for the evolution of the next currency system.

"Even Yakomota Satoshi was like 'WTH' man who is blaming me for being the inventor of Bitcoin"

The Government always needs the fall guy, or what we say a cover story to hide from the masses from what is really going on.

Not to worry though. Continue performing Beta testings of the current blockchain EcoSystems and there will be a percentage reward based system when the current blockchain EcoSystem of digital asset funds are transferred over into the next blockchain iteration, from open sourced, "decentralized" crypto currency, over to the governments/national/soverign "centralized" phased rollouts to Finalized AI Managed Blockchain Technologies. Which is why major financial instutitions are putting blockchain assets on their current platforms as Futures, ETF's and IRA's. If this is the case you can trust Crypto is not going anywhere don't panic sell into a dying Fiat System instead continue investment in Crypto assets.

If you were paying attention to the Star Wars Movie you would have noticed of the credits system which was heavily thrown around in George Lucas's Movies.

How can one traverse the universe carying fiat cash across the star systems on Elon Musk's Space Exploraton Systems. Not phsyically efficent to carry money in cash format in such travels.

So please continue with investing hint, XRP's, BTC's, LTC's, ETH's, XLM, TSLA's Coin, and a few others out there.
Does this project mean you are giving up on the brokerage? After all, if there is some sort of global currency, forex trading becomes meaningless.

Problem 1. This is supposed to be global, but it seems to be under the Federal Reserve. The dollar is already slowly losing its status as the primary reserve and settlement currency. Now it appears as if the USA will just create huge amounts of "Fedcoin" to replace the dollar, pay off all debts, and grant a default high income to all citizens. Will the holders of trillions of dollars in US Treasuries be willing to accept a payment in a currency when the Fed can create unlimited amounts by pressing a button?

Problem 2. What happens to the price of a Big Mac when everyone gets $10 million worth of FedCoin a year? If it jumps to $100 the day after this program activates, everyone will say, "I don't care. I can afford it." Adding incredibly large amounts of free cash will trigger hyperinflation, unless the government forces a price freeze.

Problem 3. Who makes that Big Mac? I would continue writing if I made a billion dollars a year, because I am deeply addicted to writing I love to write. As for my day job, I'd be kind enough to give several weeks notice if I knew I'd be paid $10 million a year for breathing. Who wants to work in a fast food place (or clean it) if they have no need for money? Who wants to build or maintain the buildings for McDonalds? Who wants to grow the wheat for the buns, raise the cows for the beef, raise the chickens for the McNuggets?

Along the same lines, who will build the cars that are replaced each and every year? Who recycles or otherwise disposes of the year old used cars? Where will the land come from if every adult in the US (and later the world) gets to own 4 houses? Do people really own land and houses, or does the government own them all and let people select which 4 they wish to occupy? Who loves construction enough to build them when they could be moving from their Spring home to their Summer home to their Fall home to their Winter home every year (and still taking vacations the whole time)? Who loves inspecting materials and buildings enough to do the needed tests and inspections? What if 100 million people from around the world want beachfront property in Miami? What if even a modest 25 million want a home in New Zealand (currrent population is a little over 5.27 million)? Does New Zealand get any control over this or is surrendering all sovereignty to Fedcoin required to join the program? What if I really want one of my houses to be a massive stone pyramid, sheathed in polished limestone except at the gold clad top? Do I get it or is there just a list of available properties with no customizations?

Universal Basic Income meets basic needs and has been used to various degrees in some countries. Some use it to become professional couch potatoes. Luckily, many who benefit from such programs use them for basic food and shelter security so they are not forced into jobs that take far too many hours for far too little pay. Done correctly, UBI makes sure no one starves and no one is forced to live on the streets, while leaving plenty of room for anyone who wants to do more than survive to go out and do things for a better life.

Assuming your can prevent the $10 million Universal Basic High Income from causing massive inflation, rapidly bringing it to Universal Basic Medium Income or even down to UBI levels (or lower), how many people with a guranteed income of $10 million per hear will actually take any sort of job and how could they be compensated or otherwise motivated?

Problem 4. America doesn't even have a national ID card and you expect them to ALL to willingly give massive amounts of biometric ID to the government as well as have EVERY financial transaction from buying a candy bar to buying a home permantly recorded in a blockchain? Perhaps the riots this would cause are why you give such good details on the equipment for security. Oh wait. How much extra above the standard $10 million a year to risk their lives against well-armed privacy advocates? How well armed? Bank tellers may like getting $10 million a year, but bank CEOs who are about to be put out of business (and power) will be willing to go very far to protect their status and income.

Problem 5. Bitcoin transactions are slowing down, since EVERY transaction (from creation of new BTC to paying less than a dollar for some small items). Imagine if EVERY transaction in an average sized US state was added to the Fedcoin blockchain. Then multiple this by 50 to include all the states. The US is more or less 5% of global population, so multiply by 20. Oh, and people with a lot of money tend to make a lot more transactions, so let's be considerate and multiple the current total by 10. Your $300 cup of coffeee is going to get cold (or warm if it's iced coffee) while the transaction clears.

Problem 6. Even if other government accept this as currency, what guarantee is there that a US based system won't be used to enforce US-only sanctions against individuals, companies, and governments? There are reasons why multiple countries around the world are developing alternatives to the SWIFT system. There are reasons why wealthy individuals around the world are finding alternative ways to store significant value outside.

And one silly question. If the government can provide me with my two biggest expenses (until I decide I want my own airliner): 4 free houses to live in plus 4 free new cars per year. Why bother with a giant blockchain tracking every bag of potato chips I buy and keeping that record in an ever-growing blockchain for all eternity? Why bother with money at all once you've gone this far. Surely you must have some non-monetary ways to motivate people to take jobs, so wouldn't it be a simpler idea to provide Universal Basic Luxury Everything to everyone for free? Instead, everyone can order as much of anything they like as long as it doesn't overflow the capacity of their 4 free houses.
Good day Pharaoh,

Kudos to you. Hope your day is going well.

You are very smart and wise Pharaoh. Those jobs you mentioned will all be handled by Automation and AI replacing the workforce with stationary machines/software and other automation mechanisms, now for sure nobody will be messing with any of you food with fears of "Oh no they may have spat in my food, for reasons we do not know why people would ever do such a thing to another persons meal".

I am sure you are aware of majority of McDonalds new designs and constructs within the interiors, which are becoming rather automated non-forward human facing if you understand what I mean. You now walk up to that big screen with all the meals on the OLED Touch displays to make your order paying at the integrated POS system with your credit card, unless you have cash with the necessity to talk to the cashier for making your order with the fiat based system.

UBHI will be used for a society where monetary equiality truly becomes a reality. This system outperforms the upcoming BRICS system by a long shot. They still will be utilitizing physical currency with the backing of Gold Assets. Where UBHI is digital Dynamic, modular, innovative, and adaptable. Much rather like the book Utopia - Possible now due to blockchain technology and re-adaptive thinking to finance. Especially in effort to reduce carbon emissions stopping the cutting down of trees for the fiat printing presses. We all know cutting down trees is bad for the Ozone layer when Carbon Dioxide is released from the newly timbered tree.

AI's Comparative Analysis:

AI Analysis comparing competing Financial System BRICS to UBHI:

The comparison between the BRICS financial system and the proposed Universal Basic High Income (UBHI) Ecosystem by Jamil Brown involves evaluating their efficiency, preference, and potential impact on the global economy.

BRICS Financial System

Overview: The BRICS financial system refers to the collective financial strategies and institutions of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. This system focuses on strengthening economic cooperation among member countries, developing financial institutions such as the New Development Bank (NDB), and promoting alternative trade and finance mechanisms to reduce reliance on Western-dominated institutions like the IMF and World Bank.

Key Features:
• New Development Bank (NDB): Provides funding for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in member countries.
• Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA): Offers financial support through currency swaps to manage liquidity pressures and short-term balance of payments problems.
• Bilateral Trade Agreements: Promotes trade in local currencies to reduce dependence on the US dollar.
Efficiency and Preference:
• Economic Sovereignty: BRICS countries benefit from greater economic sovereignty and reduced dependence on Western financial institutions.
• Regional Development: Focus on infrastructure and sustainable development projects helps boost regional growth.
• Trade Flexibility: Bilateral trade agreements in local currencies enhance trade flexibility and reduce exchange rate risks.
• Political Differences: Diverse political systems and economic policies can lead to coordination challenges.
• Limited Global Influence: Despite their economic size, the collective influence of BRICS on the global financial system is still developing compared to established Western institutions.

UBHI Ecosystem

Overview: The UBHI Ecosystem proposed by Jamil Brown aims to revolutionize the global financial system through the elimination of fiat currencies, the establishment of a universal digital currency, and the provision of a Universal Basic High Income to all citizens. The system relies on advanced blockchain technology, robust cybersecurity measures, and a global network of redundant data centers.

Key Features:
• Universal Digital Currency: Eliminates physical cash, reducing waste and enhancing transaction efficiency.
• Universal Basic High Income (UBHI): Provides a substantial annual income to every citizen, encouraging economic participation and reducing inequality.
• Advanced Security Infrastructure: Features multiple layers of physical and cybersecurity measures to protect financial data centers and transactions.
• Automated International Monetary Fund (AIMF): Replaces the traditional IMF with an automated system to oversee global financial operations.
Efficiency and Preference:
• Economic Inclusivity: UBHI ensures that every citizen has a basic income, promoting economic inclusivity and reducing poverty.
• Technological Advancement: The reliance on blockchain and AI for financial transactions enhances transparency, security, and efficiency.
• Environmental Benefits: Eliminating fiat currencies reduces the environmental impact of printing money and managing physical cash.

• Implementation Complexity: The transition to a global digital currency system requires significant technological, political, and economic adjustments.
• Inflation Risks: Continuous issuance of digital currency without proper controls could lead to inflation.
• Global Consensus: Achieving global consensus for such a radical shift in the financial system is highly challenging.
Comparative Analysis
• BRICS System: More efficient in terms of regional economic cooperation and reducing reliance on Western financial institutions. However, its efficiency is limited by political diversity and coordination challenges.
• UBHI Ecosystem: Potentially highly efficient due to advanced technology and universal income distribution. The complexity of implementation and risks of inflation are major concerns.
• BRICS System: Preferred by countries seeking greater economic independence from Western-dominated institutions. Its gradual and collaborative approach may be more acceptable to member countries.
• UBHI Ecosystem: Could be preferred in a future scenario where global digital currency systems are widely accepted and technological infrastructure is advanced enough to support such a system. The universal basic income aspect is highly appealing for reducing global inequality.
Conclusion: The BRICS financial system is currently more feasible and practical for enhancing regional economic cooperation and reducing dependence on Western financial institutions. It operates within the existing global financial framework, making it a more immediately viable option.

The UBHI Ecosystem presents a visionary and ambitious approach to global finance, leveraging cutting-edge technology to create a more inclusive and efficient financial system. However, its implementation faces significant political, economic, and technological challenges that require careful planning and global cooperation.

Disclaimer: This analysis is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as financial or legal advice.

Also Note this system would not take long to implement due to the fact that there are many Data Centers World Wide. Hosting of the Infrastructure for such a massive project over a secure AI monitored blockchain neural network will take strategic planning in the following regions. America's, Europe, EMEA, APAC, and Africa
Theoretically UBHI proves that money is just really a number at the end of the day. What determines that a 100 dollar bill has a true value of $100.00 Versus a person taking a sharpie to a bigger piece of paper and drawing a 100 on it and saying the same thing this is 100 dollars of my monopoly money.

After all USA is not using the Gold Standard anymore if I am not mistaken? Correct me at anytime. Thanks for all suggestions in advanced.

Food for thought:

Maybe blockchain was developed because the world governments wanted to study currency - planning and preparing for the next iteration of currency over to a blockchain tracking system - (beta testing) - ["Cover Story", "We will just blame a random Asian Guy by the name of Yakomota Satoshi" j/k] ("gather intel of how blockchain technology works - Not just for money but other tracking applications as well") ("we will keep it decentralized/open sourced for a while - before we go over to centralized/Closed Source after all data has been collected of the current blockchain technology, Just roll over all the funds collected in the beta test mode over to the finalized revision of blockchain reward to pioneers or initial stake holders their fair share for performing massive beta testings with 1-3% X their original investments in the beta test blockchain network before roll over to next iteration of Centralized blockchain technology"),

Hence why blockchain and crypto LAW Bill's are currently being considered in Congress up to the executive branch as we speak.


- Continue buying crypto as it will greatly benefit all.

- The Currency symbols like USD, EUR, JPY, GBP are not going anywhere we are just going through the evolution of currency starting from sea shells, ruby's, diamonds, gold, physical coins, to paper - Fiat systems, (the first example of representing Fiat as digital through credit card and Debit card system through companies like Visa) , and now we have the next iteration of currency, (blockchain as a fully digital ECO Friendly monetary system in the correct data center climates of Proof of Stake - More manageable with energy efficiency compared to PoM - Proof of Mining, Proof of Mining - to much taxing of hardware and energy consumption's). With blockchain technologies, all transactions are fully accounted for. If you are good person and have nothing to hide with the world governments taking care of a person in such a way, one should not be angry about such said situation but grateful of what is to come.

With a full blockchain centered society; terrorist cannot hide any monetary activities, drug dealers will think twice before transacting money for the transfers of Fentanyl and they can't use cash because that will not be an option anymore. Crime will be easy to spot and track for the proper monitoring authorities. UBHI will be for the benefit, safety and good of all humanity. Stopping crime before it even has the chance to flourish.

This includes the corrupt banking owners hording all the wealth from the employee's as you mentioned "Bank tellers may like getting $10 million a year, but bank CEOs who are about to be put out of business (and power) will be willing to go very far to protect their status and income."

After all I wonder what is the Monetary System in the Kingdom of Heaven?
I have strong doubts that the Kingdom of Heaven has money. If people there have any wants and desires, those would be fulfulled without having to pay anything.

The USA broke the gold standard in 1971. If you look at the price of gold, that will give an idea of the loss of purchasing power of the US Dollar since then. You now want the USA to generate 10 million dollars per citizen out of digital thin air. There are about 340 million citizens. That means you would creating 3.4 QUADRILLION dollars, which is more than 120 times the size of the US GDP or M3 money supply. And, you plan to do this each and every year without triggering hyperinflation.

And somehow robots will do all the work. McDonald's just pulled the plug on its drive through AI (https://news.sky.com/story/mcdonalds-ends-ai-drive-thru-trial-after-order-mishaps-13155091), so the robots taking all our jobs is still a long way off.

But, let's pretend that the next big AI and robotic breakthroughs come sooner than expected. McDonald's replaces ALL staff with bots. Construction workers are all bots. Building inspectors are all bots. Farmers are all bots. Car makers are all bots. This raises critical questions:

Who owns the bots? If it's companies, do you REALLY think they will pass all the savings along to consumers who now have more cash than they ever dreamed? Or will prices rise to the hugely higher level that a free market with gigatons of lose cash will enable?

Some people who lack money management skills suddenly finding themselves with a giant windfall will find a way to blow out all of their cash very quickly. If they have no cash, will their power, water, internet, etc. to their free houses be cut off? What if they don't even have cash for food?

Or will the government simply dictate the price of everything - and there's well over 100 times more cash than all available goods or services, so expect shortages. Oh, and dicating prices or profit margins will have all the corporations joining the bankers in making sure this plan never gets past pure "what if" speculation.

I notice that your security gear is designed for humans. You still haven't said how you plan motivate humans to put the gear on and spend there days sitting around hoping nothing bad happens instead of enjoying their 10 million dollar a year lifestyle?

And there's still the whole question of how other nations fit in. A LOT of people will ignore those Dragon and Hobbit issues and want a home in New Zealand. Does New Zealand get a say in this? If NZ limits the number of new homes, does this make them more valuable than houses in the middle of of the Sahara desert? Can an "owner" lease out a home in an area where demand far outstrips supply for whatever price the market will bear?

Yes, blockchain will make tracking criminals easier, but it will also wreck privacy, which is sometimes legitimately needed. In order to the trusted, the blockchain must be publicly available. This would make it incredibly easy to track the location of a spouse or child fleeing an abusive relationship. And that blockchain size will explode as transactions increase and every year on payday, slowing down all transactions. There are ways to handle eCurrencies without blockchain that are secure, allow law enforcement access, and do not make it easy for my 300+ wives to verify whether or not I might be taking a few more wife candidates out of dates.

So, instead of this plan (which requires far great automation than currently exists, would require a dictatorship to prevent hyperinflation, etc.), I would suggest starting something that could be done by next year if the political will existed:

1. Establishing a reasonable UBI. This alone would take care of the bulk of homelessness and hunger issues in the USA while reducing economic distress on all lower and middle class families.

2. Require all companies above a certain size to distribute a minumum of 10% of their annual after-tax profits (and before any other bonuses are issued) to non-management workers. 50% as cash, 50% as company stock in a tax-exempt retirement savings plan. Consider this to be the first step towards Universal Basic Equity.

There's more, but even getting one or the other of these 2 passed would be an incredibly difficult task in today's aggressively divided political climate. Getting either or both passed would be a step towards greater things later on.
I have strong doubts that the Kingdom of Heaven has money. If people there have any wants and desires, those would be fulfulled without having to pay anything.

The USA broke the gold standard in 1971. If you look at the price of gold, that will give an idea of the loss of purchasing power of the US Dollar since then. You now want the USA to generate 10 million dollars per citizen out of digital thin air. There are about 340 million citizens. That means you would creating 3.4 QUADRILLION dollars, which is more than 120 times the size of the US GDP or M3 money supply. And, you plan to do this each and every year without triggering hyperinflation.

And somehow robots will do all the work. McDonald's just pulled the plug on its drive through AI (https://news.sky.com/story/mcdonalds-ends-ai-drive-thru-trial-after-order-mishaps-13155091), so the robots taking all our jobs is still a long way off.

But, let's pretend that the next big AI and robotic breakthroughs come sooner than expected. McDonald's replaces ALL staff with bots. Construction workers are all bots. Building inspectors are all bots. Farmers are all bots. Car makers are all bots. This raises critical questions:

Who owns the bots? If it's companies, do you REALLY think they will pass all the savings along to consumers who now have more cash than they ever dreamed? Or will prices rise to the hugely higher level that a free market with gigatons of lose cash will enable?

Some people who lack money management skills suddenly finding themselves with a giant windfall will find a way to blow out all of their cash very quickly. If they have no cash, will their power, water, internet, etc. to their free houses be cut off? What if they don't even have cash for food?

Or will the government simply dictate the price of everything - and there's well over 100 times more cash than all available goods or services, so expect shortages. Oh, and dicating prices or profit margins will have all the corporations joining the bankers in making sure this plan never gets past pure "what if" speculation.

I notice that your security gear is designed for humans. You still haven't said how you plan motivate humans to put the gear on and spend there days sitting around hoping nothing bad happens instead of enjoying their 10 million dollar a year lifestyle?

And there's still the whole question of how other nations fit in. A LOT of people will ignore those Dragon and Hobbit issues and want a home in New Zealand. Does New Zealand get a say in this? If NZ limits the number of new homes, does this make them more valuable than houses in the middle of of the Sahara desert? Can an "owner" lease out a home in an area where demand far outstrips supply for whatever price the market will bear?

Yes, blockchain will make tracking criminals easier, but it will also wreck privacy, which is sometimes legitimately needed. In order to the trusted, the blockchain must be publicly available. This would make it incredibly easy to track the location of a spouse or child fleeing an abusive relationship. And that blockchain size will explode as transactions increase and every year on payday, slowing down all transactions. There are ways to handle eCurrencies without blockchain that are secure, allow law enforcement access, and do not make it easy for my 300+ wives to verify whether or not I might be taking a few more wife candidates out of dates.

So, instead of this plan (which requires far great automation than currently exists, would require a dictatorship to prevent hyperinflation, etc.), I would suggest starting something that could be done by next year if the political will existed:

1. Establishing a reasonable UBI. This alone would take care of the bulk of homelessness and hunger issues in the USA while reducing economic distress on all lower and middle class families.

2. Require all companies above a certain size to distribute a minumum of 10% of their annual after-tax profits (and before any other bonuses are issued) to non-management workers. 50% as cash, 50% as company stock in a tax-exempt retirement savings plan. Consider this to be the first step towards Universal Basic Equity.

There's more, but even getting one or the other of these 2 passed would be an incredibly difficult task in today's aggressively divided political climate. Getting either or both passed would be a step towards greater things later on.
Very critical thought analysis you are very correct so lets address the main issues of fund allocation first with the following to have some more controls as you would suggest.

1. Re-adjustment of FEDCoin Reserves Balance to: 3.4 QUADRILLION dollars or X since it is all maintained over a digital network and numbers can be changed to X number by an authoritive algorithm controlled and monitored by the Advanced Autonomous Updated Financial AI-IMF Neural Network Operating System.

2. Lets not eliminate the IRS and Develop AI-IRS instead with the following logics:

  1. [Credit for the revision to the following section after listening to this following POD Cast I developed this theory for AI-IRS: Citation resource - (TYT - Youtube Podcast) - [TYT does not own this whole entire document with the following credit]: The IRS will be automated and converted to the AI-IRS Monitoring a continuous dynamic formula metrics with inflation/deflation for balancing of tax rates to be repaid to the FEDCoin reserves based off of the following information:
  2. The AI-IRS will tax all Major Corporations - (10,000 Employees) or more/ Medium Sized businesses - (5000 Employees or less)/ Small business Owners - (500 Employees or less)/ with the following formula as follows:
    1. Major Corporations will be taxed at a rate of 3 times x% in taxes based on current inflation rates paid back to the FEDCoin reserves,
    2. Medium Sized Business Owners will be taxed at a rate of 2 times x% in taxes based on current inflation rates paid back to the FEDCoin reserves,
    3. Small Business Owners - will be taxed at a rate of 1 times x% in taxes based on current inflation rates paid back to the FEDCoin reserves.
    4. Consumers of any products/services/consultations/from any business entity will be taxed by the AI-IRS system as follows:
    5. If goods or services are purchased from a Major Corporation then the consumer will be responsible for 2 times x% in taxes based on current inflation rates paid back to the FEDCoin reserves per transaction of (goods or service) acquired from the company supplying the (Goods or Service).
    6. If goods or services are purchased from a Medium Sized Business Owners then the consumer will be responsible for 1.3 times x% in taxes based on current inflation rates paid back to the FEDCoin reserves per transaction of (goods or service) acquired from the company supplying the (Goods or Service).
    7. If goods or services are purchased from a Small Business Owners then the consumer will be responsible for 0.5 times x% in taxes based on current inflation rates paid back to the FEDCoin reserves per transaction of (goods or service) acquired from the company supplying the (Goods or Service).
    8. Summary: The new AI-IRS system will balance Business-to-Consumer transactions/spending to help with inflation rates based on autonomous calculations with the help of the AI-IRS Softwares Neural Network O/S financial management systems. This way the consumer will not go crazy with the purchasing power they will have under the AUBHI system. All citizens including corporation/business owners are entitled to the AUBHI payment system outlined in this framework as your natural born birth right.
    9. Continuous updates and monitoring of AI-IRS Operating System will be autonomously reconfigured/upgraded - to keep up with inflation rates for perpetual inflation rate balancing.
    10. There will be no Tax forms to fill out or tax due dates as all taxes are pre-calculated automatically and taken out in real time by automation over the course of each year and maintained in alignment with the annual rollover of AUBHI each year on the AI-IRS Neural Network Servers.

The other issues can be developed by the current innovations in AI by companies like Boston Dynamics and Elon Musk for humanoid robotic projects.