Fixart Investments Real Account Stopped test

by Site closed
-1.40% WEEKLY · 188.8 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+32 (Gross Pips: +6,110)
Average P/L per Week:
-1.40% (Gross P/L: -93.07%) Including Net Withdrawal of 502.83
Maximum Equity used:
1.37% (Nov 28, 2016, 11:46:00 AM)
Test started:
Feb 24, 2014
Test Stopped:
Oct 1, 2017 (Tested 188.8 weeks)
Multiple Statements Available, Abandoned Test

2017-10-08: Fxiart investments Real Test abandoned. Balance was all withdrawn without notifying the FPA.
2014-12-18: Fixart investments Real Test restarted on a hotforex account with help of Investor Access.
2014-12-15: Fixart Investments Real Test stopped per owner's request due to broker's issues
2014-05-14 Fixart Investments Real Test started with help of Investor Access.

Description from product owner: Fixart strategy has been realized in November 2011. Untill 2013 several changes have been made, mainly for reducing volatility, and therefore best limit drawdowns. In 2013 of October final version was published. The strategy primarily based on trend following, heading, or breakout. Fixart relies heavily on Technical analysis in this manually traded strategy. The average pip target on the strategy is approximately 9 pips, with a target of 2-10% monthly gains. The target max 24 hour drawdown is 4%, with a max drawdown target with the updated strategy set at 8-12%. risk per trade will not more then 2%, average 1%.

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