FxNitro Demo Account Stopped test

by FxNitro.com Site closed
-0.51% WEEKLY · 142.9 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
-9 (Gross Pips: -1,342)
Average P/L per Week:
-0.51% (Gross P/L: -51.85%)
Maximum Equity used:
8.35% (Mar 14, 2011, 9:30:00 PM)
Test started:
Feb 11, 2010
Test Stopped:
Nov 7, 2012 (Tested 142.9 weeks)
Abandoned Test

FX Nitro is created by the Talanted trader Johnny Livermore who managed to set the record of 118.3% capital gain in a single day trading GBPUSD while getting interviewed for the hedge fund position. Unbelievable you say?- Ask Johny for the proof yourself
We just going to test "The Result Of The Dedicated Work Of A Talanted Trading Genius"

We have to acknowlege though, 12-month trading statement published on the site, the fact that you can get version of the EA with partial capabilities free of charge (in exchange for your email), and a very good user manual explaining advanced settings of the software. We specifically appreciate stealth mode and stop-loss system built in.

11.07.2012 Test stopped. Website is closed.
02.10.2010 FxNitro installed on EURCHF M15 chart with default settings...
Attention: manual GMT shift!