Avail Forex EA Real Account Stopped test

by AvailForexEA.com Site closed
+1.56% WEEKLY · 21 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+10 (Gross Pips: +220)
Average P/L per Week:
+1.56% (Gross P/L: +38.34%)
Maximum Equity used:
97.25% (May 8, 2018, 2:07:00 AM)
Test started:
Feb 13, 2018
Test Stopped:
May 30, 2018 (Tested 21 weeks)
Abandoned Test
Description from product owner: The Avail Forex EA is based on a set of complex algorithms that Works on EURUSD and GBPUSD. Result? A highly accurate, highly intelligent and highly lucrative robot that is able to make you thousands of dollars per month.