B.O.R.N Night Owl Demo Account Stopped test

by BORN-Fx.com
Site closed
+0.94% WEEKLY · 55.7 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+5 (Gross Pips: +311)
Average P/L per Week:
+0.92% (Gross P/L: +68.25%)
Maximum Equity used:
15.08% (Mar 2, 2012, 5:12:00 AM)
Test started:
May 25, 2011
Test Stopped:
Jun 18, 2012 (Tested 55.7 weeks)

We'd like to thank Born-fx for volunteering to be part of the FPA's Performance Testing Program.

06.19.12 Test stopped. The demo account expired due to the transition of IBFX merging GotMoneyFX.

07.05.11 B.O.R.N Night Owl updated to new version...
05.25.11 B.O.R.N Night Owl installed on EURUSD M5 chart with default settings...

Developer description: B.O.R.N Night Owl is a higly sophisticated system that proves an average of 87% to 94% winning trades. It has been designed to accommodate different risk levels depending on your particular trading style and appetite. B.O.R.N Night Owl is the result of the hard work of a team of professional traders and highly experienced programmers. The algorithms which are built into B.O.R.N’s source code use cutting edge programming and provide for its hard to believe success. B.O.R.N Night Owl is fully automated and does not require any human intervention - that is to say that you do not need any computer or trading specific skills and knowledge and that once the system has been properly set up, you can leave everything to B.O.R.N.