KonstantinFX Turtle Real Account Stopped test

by KonstantinFX.com
Site closed
+0.29% WEEKLY · 61.4 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+61 (Gross Pips: +3,768)
Average P/L per Week:
+0.00% (Gross P/L: -0.10%)
Maximum Equity used:
1.09% (Jan 30, 2014, 10:02:00 PM)
Test started:
Mar 18, 2013
Test Stopped:
May 22, 2014 (Tested 61.4 weeks)
Abandoned Test

We appreciate KonstantinFX.com sharing their signals Live performance with ForexPeaceArmy.com traders community!

2013-11-27 KonstantinFX Turtle Real Test started with help of Investor Access.

Description: KonstantinFX Turtle is the slowest system we offer on our website in terms of monthly and annual profit gains when applied on default settings. (Not in terms of trade frequency), it also has the lowest drawdown rate. The max drawdown worst case scenario set-up and profit targets will always remain the same. For now, his usual max stoploss value is -100 pips per trade, where the trader would engage a timing mechanism, so trades are not held to for more than 120 hours. Which makes investing in his system one of the safest options you can choose in forex. With KonstantinFX Turtle, it usually takes only one or a few winners to recover a loss (Excellent Risk:Reward ratio)