OneMillionEA Real Account Stopped test

by Site closed
+2.21% WEEKLY · 25.6 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+170 (Gross Pips: +5,511)
Average P/L per Week:
+0.00% (Gross P/L: +0.00%)
Maximum Equity used:
39.85% (Jun 8, 2015, 1:28:00 PM)
Test started:
Jan 8, 2015
Test Stopped:
Jul 7, 2015 (Tested 25.6 weeks)
Voluntarily Quit

We appreciate sharing their signals Live performance via trade copier with traders community!

2015-08-23 OneMillionEA Real Test stopped per owner's request.

2015-02-23 OneMillionEA Real Test started with help of Invest Access.

Description: Our signals are delivered by OneMillion Expert Advisor which is a fully automated Expert Advisor for Metatrader 4. It uses a scalping strategy opening trades with the primary trend and try to close all positions in profit. If the trend changes, it uses new profits to scale out losing positions. OneMillionEA uses very complex money management rules, in order to protect your funds and it makes almost impossible to lose all the account balance. User has only one parameter to set and it is the Risk factor. This parameter can be set from 0.1 to 1 and set the maximum risk of the account.