Prime Eagle Funds Elite Signals Real Account Stopped test

Site closed
+0.31% WEEKLY · 17.2 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+71 (Gross Pips: +1,224)
Average P/L per Week:
+0.21% (Gross P/L: +3.72%)
Maximum Equity used:
35.03% (Jul 3, 2012, 12:39:00 PM)
Test started:
Mar 27, 2012
Test Stopped:
Jul 26, 2012 (Tested 17.2 weeks)
Multiple Statements Available, Abandoned Test

We appreciate sharing their signals Live performance with traders community!

07.26.12 Test stopped.  Investor password changed again.  Two other tests from Prime Eagle Funds also had their passwords changed on this date.  None of the three has been restarted.

06.07.12 Access restored.
05.23.12 Test stopped.  Investor password changed.

04.03.12 Prime Eagle Funds Elite Signals Real test started with help of Investor Access...
12.28.11 Test stopped due to the changed investor password. Customers report significant losses happened on that date.
11.24.11 Prime Eagle Funds Real Test restarted on new account with help of Investor Access... See previous tests in menu above...
07.25.11 Signals Test Stopped.  Prime Eagle informs us that all efforts are now focused on their EA.
03.29.11 Prime Eagle Automatic Signal Service Real Test restarted on new account with help of Investor Access...
02.17.11 Prime Eagle Automatic Signal Service Real Test started with help of Investor Access...

Descriptions: Professional Trading with help of Prime Eagle Funds trade copier.
Prime Eagle Funds trade copier is a professional trading signal system that is provided to both retail and institutional clients for maximum account growth whilst being in full control of market conditions. Our professional trade signals are copied directly to your MT4 platform, to the broker of your choice.
We adapt to every market condition for stable profits 24/7
We scan the market every minute to look for the best possible opportunities 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Our mission is to find the short term trading opportunities with the highest mathematical probability of success.