B.M.M | PAMM Real Account Stopped test

by BeatMarketMakers.com Site closed
+1.64% WEEKLY · 6.7 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
-87 (Gross Pips: -685)
Average P/L per Week:
-32.53% (Gross P/L: -95.53%) Including Net Withdrawal of 489.41
Maximum Equity used:
6.84% (Mar 29, 2017, 4:09:00 PM)
Test started:
Feb 13, 2017
Test Stopped:
Apr 1, 2017 (Tested 6.7 weeks)
Abandoned Test

We appreciate BeaMarketMarkers.com sharing their Live Account performance with ForexPeaceArmy.com traders community!

2017-04-10 B.M.M | PAMM Real Test abandoned. Balance was all withdrawn without notifying the FPA.

2017-02-21 B.M.M | PAMM Real Test started with help of Investor Access on an account of FIBOGroup.

Description: B.M.M. PAMM Friendly and easy investment product, a results of collaboration between FiboGroup. We are looking for Investors who like stable and safe incomes. Our trader uses price action, micro-trend and risk management during it's trading. Minimal Investment: $500 Money Management: Profit withthdrawal every time profits reached 50%.