CT Institutional Real Account Stopped test

by AwarenessForex.com Site closed
+0.27% WEEKLY · 59.9 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
-8 (Gross Pips: -522)
Average P/L per Week:
+0.23% (Gross P/L: +16.41%)
Maximum Equity used:
0.47% (Sep 22, 2015, 1:15:00 AM)
Test started:
Aug 19, 2014
Test Stopped:
Oct 13, 2015 (Tested 59.9 weeks)
Voluntarily Quit

We appreciate AwarenessForex.com sharing their Live Account Performance with ForexPeaceArmy.com traders community!

2015-11-19 CT Institutional Real Test stopped. Broker turned off the server.

2015-06-16 CT Institutional Real Test started with help of Investor Access.

Description: Become a value trader by providing liquidity on demand. This carries a great deal of risk; the key is to manage the risk with a complete, rational set of rules and an edge to estimate the market's fundamental value. Implements APAMI to detect trend/momentum and then wraps a counter-trend grid around it with cost averaging. Certain account balance minimums and risk tolerance applies, but the rewards may be worth it.