Forex Epic MAM Real Account Stopped test

Site closed
-10.41% WEEKLY · 17.8 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+28 (Gross Pips: +503)
Average P/L per Week:
-10.41% (Gross P/L: -85.88%)
Maximum Equity used:
69.76% (Sep 11, 2011, 3:14:00 PM)
Test started:
Jun 10, 2011
Test Stopped:
Oct 13, 2011 (Tested 17.8 weeks)
Abandoned Test

We appreciate sharing their Live performance with Forex Peace Army readers!

10.13.11 Forex Epic MAM Real test stopped - they used their very own tiny little brokerage and it just went under...
09.01.11 Forex Epic MAM Real test started with help of Investor Access...

Owner Descriptions: Low Minimum Required Investment of $3,000 with true STP broker No setup & no management fees. Only cost is monthly Performance fee of 20% on new profit only (high watermark).

Note. Forex Epic owns Aurora-Fx.