FxPriceActionSignals.com Review

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Updated: Apr 13, 2022

Website is down. Company seems to be out of business.

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FxPriceActionSignals +0.94 73.3 +98.239
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Recent User Reviews of FxPriceActionSignals.com

Central Cordillera, Colombia,
Apr 3, 2014,

I was a customer for a couple of months. I have to say that Mariuz, the operator/trader of the service, is a very sincere guy. He had a system that was performing well for much of 2013 and shortly after I signed up the wheels came off but not all at once. [The service used the simpletrader.net platform for trade copying which is the best I have ever experienced] Mariuz worked diligently and transparently trying to get his system back on track...Mariuz also voluntarily returned subscriptions at the end of Dec. in respect for his failure to deliver in that month and yet after a month and a half he ceased responding to inquiries and I cancelled my subscription. I was not only disappointed for my modest losses but I was really sad that Mariuz was not able to turn things around. I cannot say enough how sincere Mariuz was in trying to research and correct the service results but alas things did not improve. I would like to point out that Mariuz did NOT blow up the account, he did the right thing and suspended trading after expected drawdowns did not regress. I suspect from MYFXBOOK activity the service is entirely suspended. If Mariuz ever returns to trading I would consider another run with him due to his diligence and sincerity.