European Forex Professional Weekly 2010-01-06

Sive Morten

Special Consultant to the FPA
Analysis and Signals
January 6, 2010


As we’ve said in previous research, the US economy is gradually becoming stronger. Concerning recent data that was released on 4th and 5th of January, I have to point out that contraction of Construction spending is not a tragedy, because as we said before, CS will stay low because of the huge inventory of existing homes for sale. At the same time growth of ISM index and a great jump in factory orders are in favor of USD.
The two most expected events in January are – Payrolls data and the FOMC meeting. Concerning December payrolls data, expectations are for the figure to fall only -1K after a mere -11K drop in November. Early indications on payrolls suggest that the number will be -1K but the seasonal and statistical factors argue for a more substantial contraction. This can lead to short-term dollar weakness. (And this coincides with short-term technical picture as you can see below). About the FOMC, I expect that they will gradually start to change their assessing of the fundamentals of the US economy but leave “low rates for a considerable period of time” untouched until April (Like they did it on recent meeting). I expect that the rate hike will start in 3Q of 2010 and “Considerable period of time” is about 3-4 FOMC meetings. Also we will start track a Futures curve of the Fed Fund rate that indicates investor’s expectations about rate hiking moves.
The general view on the US economy is “almost stable improving”. But there are risks for the dollar also. First, and most important in the short term – the possibility of prolongation of the Fed’s supportive programs through March. Although they’ve announced that it should finished on 1st of February. It can lead to a pressure on USD. Second, the budget deficit and healthcare reform are long-term risks that nobody can assess precisely for now.
The USD is also in favor relative to major rivals. The outlook for Europe is grim. The situation in Greece remains unresolved and the PMI numbers from Spain and Ireland, downgrading of Iceland debt to BB+ illustrate the obvious recovery divergence inside of EU.
In the UK, the VAT tax holiday has expired which will the cause consumers to rein in spending. Additionally, the bankers’ bonus tax has the City’s financial community up in arms and major corporations are seeking to move operations out of London. The budget remains a major concern and the there have been no great efforts to pull purse strings.
Moving East, the expressed interest in keeping supportive government programs alive in Japan and the obvious concerns about spending will keep USD/JPY firm.

Résumé: I think that the USD has major chances to gain in the nearest future (1-2 months). The basis risk is a stability of macro data. Problems in EU are long-term and can’t be resolved fast; Japan's economy depends much from the export mostly in USA and Europe, so it is unlikely that it will become gain momentum in front of the US economy. So, circumstances adjust probability in favor of USD. The long-term level EUR/USD that I expect is 1.40. Although during the nearest week we can see some weakness in USD due to payrolls data.


Monthly (EURO FX all sessions CME futures)

We have an uptrend, no overbought/oversold on the monthly chart. The next support level is 1.3950-1.4050 that has a solid strength, generally because it’s a 0,382 support from a major reaction point and almost a confluence with another 0,618 Fib support (Monthly#1 chart). But before moving in 1.4000 area, I expect a pullback to 1.4750-1.4800 (Monthly#2). The reason is a strong upside momentum of a previous up move, strong weekly support at 1.4270 and a potentially bullish daily signal (see below).

Monthly #1

Monthly #2

Weekly (EURO FX all sessions CME futures)

On the weekly chart, Confluence area 1.4274-1.4278 holds. The market has started retracement upwards. Weekly trend is bearish, with no oversold. Also an important thing that I would like to talk about is a K2 Confluence area of1.4068-1.4079. This area includes 0.382 from a major reaction point. It’s very important support.


Daily (EURO FX all sessions CME futures)

(To get a full picture of daily trade possibility check this post with the daily comments in previous research.)
The second trade possibility has come into force. We have a confirmation for DRPO signal (daily #1), daily trend turns bullish just above daily and weekly Confluence support area. The extended target for this trade is the 1.4668 area. But if we look at this signal in context of a monthly pullback - this up move potentially can reach 1.4780 area, and weekly trend will be bearish still.
Daily#2 chart shows the stop-loss placement. Although theoretically it should be placed just below 1.4307, for my trade I’ve chose 1.4240 level – just below the previous low. Unfortunately, market-makers also know about Fibonacci levels and happily grab stops around them. The graph#2 clearly shows penetration of 0.618 support level – but the market does not close below it, so this signal is still in the game. For now is a perfect possibility to enter – stops are already was grabbed, the market is just above 0,618 – the up move ready to start.
The main risk of this trade is a close below 1.4240 level. If it will happen, be ready for substantial down move. I think that main trigger for one or another trade will be the payrolls data. (daily#3)

Daily #1

Daily #2

Daily #3

Hourly (EURO FX all sessions CME futures)

(To get a full picture of hourly trade possibility check this post with the hourly comments in previous research.)
Our trade was fulfilled at 100% (hourly chart#1 and #1a).
The current situation looks optimistic for a long side trade – trend turns bullish, we see strong reverse up move, like a thrust after market makers have grabbed stops just below 0,618 support. The situation is perfect for entry.

Hourly #1 (current)

Hourly #1a (previous research graph

Hourly #2

Trade EUR/USD possibilities (1):


I expect technical retracement up due to market momentum. I think it should happen regardless to what the trend that will be. Taking into consideration the current situation on the daily chart it can start from this level.


No oversold, trend is bearish. Looks like retracement has started from 1.4250 Confluence area. The most important thing is that the trend still will be bearish if market will reach as far as 1.4780 target.


A good opportunity to bull trade i in progress. We’ve received a confirmation for signal. The context that we already have for that trade looks good – W&R of 0,618 support by market makers, weekly support confluence area, hourly and daily trends are bullish. The nearest target that I expect is 1.4650 but the 1.4780 is also possible. The Fail condition is close below 1.4240. Then we should expect development in th 1.4000 region.


Our first trade possibility was achieved according to description. For now the hourly situation confirms a daily long trade and provides a perfect moment to enter with a closer stop loss (because 0,618 is cleared up already) than I have.

(1) “Trade possibilities” are not detailed trade signals with specific entries and exits. They are expectations about possible moves of the market during the week based on market analysis.

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Good info

Thank you so much for the info Sive, if this is your first analysis for 2010 that means that they will be more along the year? I really hope it does.
thank you
I wish I could see the whole picture as simple&clear as you did on your analysis. Thanks Sive.
The labor market in the United States is improving and the economy is close to the point when the unemployment rate will start to fall, a top U.S. Federal Reserve official said on Thursday.

Any change on your prediction regarding the NFP?
Any change on your prediction regarding the NFP?

No, Sentinel. In some scence to predict the single number of NFP is a bit slice and dice. My expectation is based on the seasonal and statisticial moments, besides, single numbers of NFP are volatile and I track 12-month average and its Y/Y relative number that has much lower volatility (FRS also tracks it).
Anything can happen, may be I will be wrong, but I have a basis to may such judgements. If so, and NFP will be greater that expected - we know what to wait - probably it will be Failure of DRPO and move to 1.4 - 1.3850.

Concerning unemployment rate... This is a lagging indicator and its almost at the end of the queue of indicators for assessing the current situation. It has very low volatility. It begins to reduce after the point when NFP gives strong positive numbers for 5-8 periods.

You've touch very large theme to discuss, conserning macro data and how different indicators linked with each other.
This is my primary job, in fact - judge the current situation and make investments. on financial markets. But it's scrutiny and hard job.
Well, if we lead strictly to the book - we need close below 0,618. But...
If NFP will be very good, probably, you will be able to close position on a feedback after the first neurotic downmove. Usually it deep enough. But it just a assumation, it's very difficult to say for now how situation will develope.

And additional thoughts:
1. Market usually very volatile during release - so it will touch stops with huge prob. (at least from the current levels).
2. When I make deals intraday - I try to close before release and not to participate in release. If I have a little time till release - I also take a closest LPO - COP, Confluence, OB...
3. Besides, Helix gives good description of data releases...

And lets wait for today's close. May be we will have a Failure... Then will be very difficult choice - reverse position, do not reverse, or step aside. Anyway the chances to catch double loses rise...
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No, Sentinel. In some scence to predict the single number of NFP is a bit slice and dice. My expectation is based on the seasonal and statisticial moments, besides, single numbers of NFP are volatile and I track 12-month average and its Y/Y relative number that has much lower volatility (FRS also tracks it).
Anything can happen, may be I will be wrong, but I have a basis to may such judgements. If so, and NFP will be greater that expected - we know what to wait - probably it will be Failure of DRPO and move to 1.4 - 1.3850.

Concerning unemployment rate... This is a lagging indicator and its almost at the end of the queue of indicators for assessing the current situation. It has very low volatility. It begins to reduce after the point when NFP gives strong positive numbers for 5-8 periods.

You've touch very large theme to discuss, conserning macro data and how different indicators linked with each other.
This is my primary job, in fact - judge the current situation and make investments. on financial markets. But it's scrutiny and hard job.

I am sorry if I said something wrong. I have no intention to counsel. I just want to know if you have any change of mind after Bullard's speech. I am a great admirer of your reviews and only an amateur.
No, everything Ok, it's good that you're interesting...
Fed speeches concerning very long perspectives, not single number. They track trends and their changes. Fed reaction is always lagging to real situation, because they use laging indicators, such as Unemployment, Capacity utilization, Industrial Production, CPI and some others. But they use it because these indicators have low volatility and stable.

So, Bullard's talk is important but mostly for progress of situation in long-term; we are looking for 2-3 days event and this event will be driven by NFP numbers.