
  1. honeybadgertrading

    Hello Hi, newbie from Scotland

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum but have been trading for a couple of years now. Have kept myself to myself as been spending a lot of time trying to learn trading and how to become profitable. Have been on the same journey as most of us probably have been, constantly trying to navigate the...
  2. E

    Hello newbie

    Hello everyone! I am new to Forex Peace Army and wanted to take a moment to say hi and wish you all good luck in your endeavors. :)
  3. D

    Hello Hi Newbie from UK

    Hi came across this site by chance but very impressed so far. I am new to trading and wondering if the info here also includes general trading as in stocks and shares or just Forex? I would ideally like to learn about trading in stocks and shares as recently moved from ii to 212 trading much...
  4. Traderman86

    Hello Newbie here

    I am new to the Forex field and came to know about this forum by searching about the forex. Any tips can be helpful.
  5. c0d3r1984

    Hello! Newbie needing help with review

    Good morning all Need help reporting a forex scam going on Unfortunately scammer only has a FB and telegram profile no website how can i add it in reviews? Site not allowing me to use FB\telegram links Thank you Review Moderation Team Note: Reviews can only be left for companies having their...
  6. M

    Hello New trader

    Hi all, my name is Marcus Andrew, I previously dabbled a bit with crypto however, I'm now looking for new trading opportunities. I have been hearing about Forex for a while, and have been interested in starting to trade. I know a few terms and have watched a few videos here and there, I have...
  7. S

    Hello Newbie

    Hello to everyone here! I'm Lucas and I'm an accountant. Fond of math, different quizzes. Interested in investing and money. Love speed and racing. Glad to be here
  8. C

    Hi, newbie here, need help identifying if this pamm trade history is legit or a fraud

    Hi, Can anyone explain the attached imaged? a. open and close times are the same, but price is different. b. trade was closed on the same day yet there are swap charges.
  9. P

    Inquiry plz help new to trading

    Hello everyone, can someone help plz? i just bought wtiusd 0.1 lot which has for 1 lot swap value of - 40.52 long and pip value of 10$. After 1 overnight i saw a - 40.52$ swap. I contacted them as it is the swap for 1 lot. They told me if i bought 1 lot the swap overnight for 1 time would be...
  10. D

    Newbie Here

    Hello,Hello! I´m new here and i´m already studying but nothing better than a forum to exchange ideas. Best Regards to everyone!
  11. M

    Is it all a scam?

    Hi, - Long Post Warning - I'm new to this forum but have been studying Forex for around 6 months now. I've never blown an account, never trusted any “expert” enough to buy anything and I am very careful with my funds. I have a few comments and questions and would like to get peoples take on...
  12. N


    Hello, My name is Liz, I am newly joined today and joined because I want some advice about getting out of my trading account. Not going to post here, will find the appropriate thread (have been a member of various groups where people don't read the pinned post etc. and more experienced...
  13. andreacristina

    Discuss Should I start Forex by joining a group like IMarketsLive?

    I learned about the Forex market through a friend that recruits people for IML. IMarkets Live provides tools & services to help traders make the right decisions in the FOREX markets. But they only provide help through a membership. I was supposed to join the group but instead decided to do my...
  14. Kavinander


    Hi, My Self Kavinander and I am from USA, New York City, I’m working as a professional trader and a technical analyst from more than 4 years. And forex peace army is probably one of the best and helpful trading community on internet.
  15. L

    Hello - Strategies and Tips

    Hello Everyone New Member at FPA (been around for more than 3 months, recently decided to join the group). Hope to enjoy my stay here (I think I will from what I've seen so far). I've started the training course here, and I would like to know where to address myself to check for trustable...
  16. ElaineMDG

    A BUNCH of e-Books

    For beginners-and there's a couple of other pages on this site with more "advanced" collections (for psychology, money mgt, strategies, etc). There's at least a couple here that are pretty good, most of them are fairly dated though. Also, after checking these and the ebooks on the strategy...
  17. Jazzaglazza

    Kiwi trader - new to FPA

    Hi everyone! Repping the little islands on NZ, wondering if anyone has any good brokers or systems based in NZ so I don't have to deal with massive time differences and international charges?? Help a bro out! Chur.
  18. SamAntics

    Howdy all! EAs

    Howdy, I'm part of a small trading group which is doing ok.. First time I've joined here and will be getting them on board soon. There's a few posts around this site about EAs and want an honest and REAL robot to trade for me. Sooooooo does anyone have anything that is performing well? Yes I...
  19. ElaineMDG

    New to FOREX, Quest @ "Bootcamp"

    Hello All!! I should probably introduce myself in that other section, but I'll do a short one here before asking my question. I'm 55, had to leave my career a few years ago due to my health. As a former healthcare professional, who'd also worked in research-my brother & nephew, (who do some...
  20. C


    Is there anybody on here from south wales who could teach me how to trade with forex I have a demo account but cant find anywhere that can teach me the meaning of the various boxes you get when you click buy or sell my email is gary.bradshaw@ymail, com