trading journal

  1. Vlady

    Alkonost Trading Journal

    After not being able to open a trading journal thread on forexfactory, I found this awesome site. This is just my personal accountability system. I hope that by writing every trade before I make it - it will slow m down a bit from jumping from trade to trade. So here we go... My trading...
  2. BZero

    My trading journal

    Disclaimer: This might not be an interesting thread to follow. There's no holy grail strategy to be learned here, I'm afraid. I'm only making this thread for myself, in an attempt to keep myself publicly accountable. My goal is to post every single trade I take. My hope is that this will stop me...
  3. _tkfx_

    My Personal Trading Journal through Youtube

    Ive been posting on a daily basis my trades taken through each trading session. Here is a preview