10% Skill 90% Mindset

While skills are important, it is the mindset that shapes your attitude, approach, and ultimately, your success. By cultivating a positive and growth-oriented mindset, you can leverage your skills more effectively and navigate the challenges that come your way. Keep in mind, developing the right mindset is a continuous journey, so invest time and effort into nurturing a mindset that supports your trading goals.
Many successful traders agree that trading is 10% skill and 90% mindset. While having a solid understanding of technical analysis, risk management, and trading strategies is certainly important, it's ultimately a trader's mindset and psychology that can make or break their success in the markets. Developing a disciplined and patient approach to trading, managing emotions and biases, and staying focused on long-term goals are all key components of a winning trading mindset. Without the right mindset, even the most skilled traders can struggle to achieve consistent profitability in the markets. So, while it's important to learn and master the technical aspects of trading, don't underestimate the power of a strong trading mindset.
Skills and mindset may be very crucial in forming a reliable trader, but behind that there are also other factors that cannot be ruled out, namely trading psychology.
Skills and mindset may be very crucial in forming a reliable trader, but behind that there are also other factors that cannot be ruled out, namely trading psychology.
exactly! psychology matters much more a lot then one can think of it, because when your mind is focused on trading, when you clearly understand objectives, work on fears and do your best to diminish the impact of such things as fomo, trading gets smoother.
I had an experience of trading both being truly terrified by the market and being fully confident about my skills and knowledge. Well... not gonna beat around the bush, in the second case I had way more profitably closed positions that in the first one.
exactly! psychology matters much more a lot then one can think of it, because when your mind is focused on trading, when you clearly understand objectives, work on fears and do your best to diminish the impact of such things as fomo, trading gets smoother.
I had an experience of trading both being truly terrified by the market and being fully confident about my skills and knowledge. Well... not gonna beat around the bush, in the second case I had way more profitably closed positions that in the first one.
Typically we don't know the future, although we feel confident with our analysis and very sure it will end with profit, the market sometimes moves dynamically and we face out of analysis, this gives a lesson if we can't control the market, however, we can control our risk.
While mastering the technical aspects is crucial, it's the right mindset that truly sets successful traders apart. Discipline, patience, and emotional control are paramount. Without a resilient mindset, even the most skilled traders can falter