The FPA invited the Original Poster to update this discussion on Nov 25, 2019 at 9:30 AM
Sono Carlo Alex Navarra, CO Founder dell'Elysium School.

Seguo da 4 mesi (data del post originale) l'evoluzione di questa discussione che purtroppo ad oggi non è stata ancora chiarita e continua a danneggiare l'immagine della nostra Azienda, senza validi motivi e per puro scopo diffamatorio.
Chiedo agli Amministratori di Forex Peace Army di eliminare il post non per oscurare la verità, perché vi rinnovo il nostro invito e la piena disposizione (come c'è stata fin oggi) a chiarire qualsiasi dubbio ma sono abituato a risolvere problemi reali con persone reali che non si coprono con falsi nickname e scompaiono dopo aver prodotto gravi accuse non provabili. Abbiamo già prodotto le spiegazioni per trasparenza e professionalità perché crediamo nel lavoro di Forum autorevoli come questo, ma venir così attaccati da soggetti che non esistono, che con noi non hanno mai né collaborato, né acquistato alcun prodotto è diventato altamente deleterio sopratutto senza aver ricevuto MAI nessuna lamentela al nostro SUPPORT.

Daremo tempo fino alla prima settimana di Gennaio per ottenere risposte dagli Admin ,contattando il soggetto tramite i mezzi a vostra disposizione. Dovremo procedere, altrimenti, obbligatoriamente per vie legali dato che nascondersi nell'anonimato, sfuggendo alla discussione non aiuta di certo a far chiarezza alle persone che conoscono veramente il valore del nostro lavoro. Il tutto è serenamente documentabile.

Spero di aver presto una lieta risposta e Vi auguro un buon lavoro al fine di far giustizia a queste calunnie gratuite.

Un caro saluto
Good evening,
I'm Carlo Alex Navarra, CO Founder of the Elysium School.

I have been following for 4 months (date of the original post) the evolution of this discussion which unfortunately has not yet been clarified and continues to damage the image of our company, without valid reasons and for pure defamatory purpose.
I ask the Forex Peace Army Administrators to delete the post not to obscure the truth, because I renew our invitation and full disposition (as there has been up to now) to clarify any doubts but I am used to solving real problems with real people that do not cover up with fake nicknames and disappear after making serious unproven accusations. We have already produced the explanations for transparency and professionalism because we believe in the work of authoritative Forums like this, but being so attacked by subjects that do not exist, who have never collaborated with us, nor purchased any product has become highly deleterious, especially without having received NEVER have any complaints to our SUPPORT.

We will give until the first week of January to get answers from the Admin, contacting the subject through the means at your disposal. Otherwise, we will have to proceed by legal means since hiding in anonymity, escaping the discussion, certainly does not help to clarify the people who really know the value of our work. Everything is serenely documented.

I hope to have a happy reply soon and I wish you a good job in order to do justice to these free slanders.

Best wishes
We will give until the first week of January to get answers from the Admin, contacting the subject through the means at your disposal. Otherwise, we will have to proceed by legal means since hiding in anonymity, escaping the discussion, certainly does not help to clarify the people who really know the value of our work. Everything is serenely documented.

You should have just PMed me or visited the FPA Contact/FAQ before posting a legal threat. This thread did qualify for being moved to the Resolved Issues folder as an Abandoned Complaint, but sometimes threads get overlooked. A polite reminder is the best way to get a situation like this corrected.

I'm ready to move this thread, but cannot do that while you have a legal threat on the table.

You have until the end of the first week of January to Permanently and Irrevocably lift all legal threats over 3rd party postings. You can find details about what can happen if this is not done in the FAQ.
Where is this garbage school ltd registered ?

and more...

and above all, real partnership. Please, moderate your terms. A little breathe before writing. Use your time to attack real scammer and scam users. Thank you.
There is no misunderstanding, we ask to move this thread, any further legal advice was moved. The last message was only for the less educated post about "garbage school", so only for the user and not the Forum or admin. We prefer to close this unbelievable and absurd case. So, for us you can move this thread in the right section. Thank you for your support. For any further information, please feel free to ask.