aj ea v.11 pro expert advisor SCAMMER

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Wow thank you so much for your work! I was also prepared to spend almost £3000 for this bot. Life and money saver! So the real bot they are using is MG EA PRO… should I just buy that bot instead? What do you recommend now that we know what the truth is?
no don't buy I can send it to you leave me an email I'll put it in attachment. For the recommendations I need some info on your starting capital and especially if I can avoid the mistakes I made on my side


Spam Cat is very disappointed in you. He's been sharpening his claws and getting ready to eat several suspected multis who were defending this company. Now he finds you posting an illegal copy of the software.

Scam or not, violating copyrights is a crime. Spam Cat will now slow roast you and eat you for dinner.

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