Aman-trades: Help !They Refuse to Withdraw my Deposit and Profit

I want to recover my money from Aman Trades they still lying to me, didn't responded to my invitation here.
the trade still open 3 month ago I can close it but they want me to do this so they tell me that I lost all my money cuz I closed them
The FPA invited the Company to update this discussion on Mar 13, 2020 at 10:38 AM
Can you upload screenshot where they demand that you remove/delete FPA post before they pay you?

But at least they respond??? so you know FPA exposure is working!!!

Before they said nothing at all about giving any money back.
if think if you are living here on middle East or North Africa & i think it's more better to visit their office on Jordon...!!
I'm Egyptian and i heard from some of my friends about same case with some one living here on Cairo..

Each person that was defrauded must open their own, separate scam alert case. No cross-posting in existing cases.
