company stocksm

مرحبا للجميع من الرجال ش اسمي Alanoud.i أعتقد أنني في منتصف عملية احتيال أولا أنا ألوم نفسي فقط كنت مهمل ومستجد أنا لا أعرف إذا كان أموالي ستعمل تعود لي وأتمنى من الله عليه هنا كيف بدأت تلقيت مكالمة هاتفية يوم 18/4/2017 من سيدة ودية للغاية ومقنعة الذي تحدث معي في إضافة أموال إلى موقعهم للمتاجرة أرباح عالية واعدة على سهم أبل داكس الخ تخمين ما فعلت ذلك أعجبت وسحر

وكان عرض لرجل يدعى D يونيس الذي HANDELS حسابات الذهب الذي ساعدني تعيين حساب تاجر لي ويهديني من خلال ذلك فعلت شيئا المشتبه به منذ أن كنت لست مؤهلا للحصول على حساب الذهب لا يزال لتصبح واحدة ولكن هذا عندما بدأ الصداع أنا لا تاجر سيد أنا مستجد هكذا فعلت تطلب مساعدته على الاشياء انه بدأ تذمر لي والشعور بالذنب لي متزايدا في أموالي لقد استثمرت 500 دولار، وقال انه يريد مني زيادته إلى 10K دولار أعني وتف ذلك لكامل أسبوعين فعل مساعدة لي الكثير يتحدث لي THRU الاشياء حتى الصفقات المفتوحة وثيقة بالنسبة لي حين المزعجة لي حتى الموت،

لكنها لم ترغب في ذلك ($ 500) وأراد أن زيادة المبلغ الذي زادت ($ 400)، وقدم أول صفقة والربح ($ 217) كان جيدا !!

بعد ثلاثة أيام، افتتح صفقة أخرى وقدم ربح (75 $).

في 21/4/2017 طلبت سحب مبلغ (400 $) للاحتياجات الخاصة،

لكنها لم تستجب !! كل يوم أبعث لهم على الرسائل وI عدم الرد !!!

الآن في حسابي (1197 $).

أنا لم يخسر أي صفقة. لكن مدير الحساب لم يعط ردا للحصول على المال!

الرجاء مساعدتي في حل مشكلتي مع هذه الشركة.
Hello to all of u guys my name is Alanoud.i think I am in a middle of a scam firstly I blame myself only I was careless and a noob I don't know if my money gonna come back to me I wish to God it here how it started I got a phone call on 18/4/2017 from a very friendly and persuasive lady who talked to me into adding funds to their site for trading promising high profits on Apple stock Dax etc guess what I did it I was impressed and Charmed

and was introduced to a guy named D. yonis who Handels gold accounts who helped me set my trader account and guide me thru it I did suspect something since I am not qualified for a gold account still becoming one but that's when the headache begun I am no master trader I am noob so I did ask his help on stuff he started to nag me and guilt me into INCREASING my funds I invested 500 dollars, he wants me increase it to 10k dollars I mean wtf so for a whole Two weeks he did help me a lot talk me THRU stuff even open and close trades for me while nagging me to death,

But did not like it ($ 500) and wanted to increase the amount you increased ($ 400) and the first deal was made and the profit ($ 217) was good !!

Three days later, another deal was opened and the profit was made ($ 75).

On 21/4/2017 I asked to withdraw the amount ($ 400) for the needs of the special,

But no response !! Every day I send them on messages and I do not reply !!!

Now in my account (1197 $).

I did not lose any deal; but the account manager did not give a response to get the money back !!!

Please help me solve my problem with this company.
Okay that' does it تمام عنود الآن نتظر و لو قالوا ليج كلام كبير بفهمج
Hello to all of u guys my name is Alanoud.i think I am in a middle of a scam firstly I blame myself only I was careless and a noob I don't know if my money gonna come back to me I wish to God it here how it started I got a phone call on 18/4/2017 from a very friendly and persuasive lady who talked to me into adding funds to their site for trading promising high profits on Apple stock Dax etc guess what I did it I was impressed and Charmed

and was introduced to a guy named D. yonis who Handels gold accounts who helped me set my trader account and guide me thru it I did suspect something since I am not qualified for a gold account still becoming one but that's when the headache begun I am no master trader I am noob so I did ask his help on stuff he started to nag me and guilt me into INCREASING my funds I invested 500 dollars, he wants me increase it to 10k dollars I mean wtf so for a whole Two weeks he did help me a lot talk me THRU stuff even open and close trades for me while nagging me to death,

But did not like it ($ 500) and wanted to increase the amount you increased ($ 400) and the first deal was made and the profit ($ 217) was good !!

Three days later, another deal was opened and the profit was made ($ 75).

On 21/4/2017 I asked to withdraw the amount ($ 400) for the needs of the special,

But no response !! Every day I send them on messages and I do not reply !!!

Now in my account (1197 $).

I did not lose any deal; but the account manager did not give a response to get the money back !!!

Please help me solve my problem with this company.
Few steps that you must follow to draw their attention to your issue,
Follow the suggested steps below:

If you deposited your money via credit card then contact the credit card customer care asap and ask them to file a chargeback.
Go to their website and invite them to here via Live Chat
Invite them to join this thread via email (Send an email to every possible address).

You will find their email and address
Also, Share your story as a review

You can also share your story on their social media pages mentioned below:
Note: Don’t forget to update your review/s when you got solution of your problem, Best Of Luck
Few steps that you must follow to draw their attention to your issue,
Follow the suggested steps below:

If you deposited your money via credit card then contact the credit card customer care asap and ask them to file a chargeback.
Go to their website and invite them to here via Live Chat
Invite them to join this thread via email (Send an email to every possible address).

You will find their email and address
Also, Share your story as a review

You can also share your story on their social media pages mentioned below:
Note: Don’t forget to update your review/s when you got solution of your problem, Best Of Luck
Your awesome man,
مرحبا للجميع من الرجال ش اسمي Alanoud.i أعتقد أنني في منتصف عملية احتيال أولا أنا ألوم نفسي فقط كنت مهمل ومستجد أنا لا أعرف إذا كان أموالي ستعمل تعود لي وأتمنى من الله عليه هنا كيف بدأت تلقيت مكالمة هاتفية يوم 18/4/2017 من سيدة ودية للغاية ومقنعة الذي تحدث معي في إضافة أموال إلى موقعهم للمتاجرة أرباح عالية واعدة على سهم أبل داكس الخ تخمين ما فعلت ذلك أعجبت وسحر

وكان عرض لرجل يدعى D يونيس الذي HANDELS حسابات الذهب الذي ساعدني تعيين حساب تاجر لي ويهديني من خلال ذلك فعلت شيئا المشتبه به منذ أن كنت لست مؤهلا للحصول على حساب الذهب لا يزال لتصبح واحدة ولكن هذا عندما بدأ الصداع أنا لا تاجر سيد أنا مستجد هكذا فعلت تطلب مساعدته على الاشياء انه بدأ تذمر لي والشعور بالذنب لي متزايدا في أموالي لقد استثمرت 500 دولار، وقال انه يريد مني زيادته إلى 10K دولار أعني وتف ذلك لكامل أسبوعين فعل مساعدة لي الكثير يتحدث لي THRU الاشياء حتى الصفقات المفتوحة وثيقة بالنسبة لي حين المزعجة لي حتى الموت،

لكنها لم ترغب في ذلك ($ 500) وأراد أن زيادة المبلغ الذي زادت ($ 400)، وقدم أول صفقة والربح ($ 217) كان جيدا !!

بعد ثلاثة أيام، افتتح صفقة أخرى وقدم ربح (75 $).

في 21/4/2017 طلبت سحب مبلغ (400 $) للاحتياجات الخاصة،

لكنها لم تستجب !! كل يوم أبعث لهم على الرسائل وI عدم الرد !!!

الآن في حسابي (1197 $).

أنا لم يخسر أي صفقة. لكن مدير الحساب لم يعط ردا للحصول على المال!

الرجاء مساعدتي في حل مشكلتي مع هذه الشركة.
Few steps that you must follow to draw their attention to your issue,
Follow the suggested steps below:

If you deposited your money via credit card then contact the credit card customer care asap and ask them to file a chargeback.
Go to their website and invite them to here via Live Chat
Invite them to join this thread via email (Send an email to every possible address).

You will find their email and address
Also, Share your story as a review

You can also share your story on their social media pages mentioned below:
Note: Don’t forget to update your review/s when you got solution of your problem, Best Of Luck
Get screenshots of everything related to your account. That info could disappear with no warning. Also, get screenshots of the terms regarding withdrawals before some changes happen to those.
Stocksm has the same domain but changed their title name a little bit, talk about hiding a scar with an ugly tattoo! And also they are giving us the silent treatment ignoring our messages and invites.
I'm sorry for my late reply

The company was sent an email. No reply was received
Special messages were sent to the Whatsapp , but No reply was received and did not give a reaction to my messages

The confirmation of the financial withdrawal and investment portfolio was included.

Please help me solve this problem..