Complaint by a Multi - OX MARKETS AFFILIATE SCAM

if customers are fraudulent then reimbursed those who lost in your platform otherwise the logic of which so much talk there is, if a customer is fraudulent you would have had to immediately close their account and immediately repay the amount deposited !!! do it immediately with clients who have lost because of your platform dysfunctional their funds !!! or those who have lost everything are not fraudulent ???? ridiculous

se i clienti sono fraudolenti allora rimborsate chi ha perso nella vostra piattaforma altrimenti la logica di cui tanto parlate non sussiste, se un cliente vi risulta fraudolento avreste dovuto chiudere immediatamente il loro conto e rimborsare immediatamente la cifra depositata!!! fatelo immediatamente con i clienti che hanno perso per colpa della vostra piattaforma mal funzionante i loro fondi!!! o quelli che hanno perso tutto non sono fraudolenti???? ridicoli
Mr Pharaoh

Your post misses the point completely. You either did not read our post or chose to ignore it. Ox Markets was with the impression it was acquiring the services of an affiliate, not an IB.

OX markets did not have a problem with its clients whose requested withdrawals have already been fulfilled.

OX Markets took exception to the synchronized withdrawal request of all the clients of this particular affiliate within an hour of her getting paid the affiliation fees.

It's called collusion.

You may not think much of binary. Fair enough. Your choice. Our clients are clients of a regulated company and their wishes are always respected. Whether they colluded, either knowingly or not, is immaterial and has been ignored and their wishes have already been carried out.

This matter is between us and the "so called" affiliate. It has nothing to do with clients' money.

Please read the maths above. You will understand how this scheme works. It is in its nature a small scheme concerning mostly 5-15 clients and an IB masquerading as an affiliate. It's been around for a while with the sole purpose of defrauding binary brokers. I would assume you would have known of its existence and how it works.

If you really want to waste money mincing words, an affiliate (in the way you describe) is merely an IB who is payed a flat fee per scalp instead of getting a cut of trading commissions. Either way, it's someone who's paid to bring in clients. Then again, forex brokers are set up to easily pay a share of spread and/or commissions, whereas liquidity-free binary brokers would end up paying per person or else some cut of deposits (or losses, of course these terms are often interchangeable when referring to binary brokers).

Paying $450 when clients only have to deposit $250 in a binary broker is not only bad math, it's an open invitation to IB, . . . oh, sorry, let me put it your way so you won't be offended, Affiliate Arbitrage.

Now you are worried about simultaneous withdrawals. Yes, I would say that's suspicious. On the other hand, had all of those withdrawals been spaced out over a 2 month period where no additional trading had taken place your company would have faced an identical loss - All because of the lack of care in structuring the affiliate program whether or not any collusion took place. I suspect the reaction of cancelling the contract would have been identical.

I would have assumed this would be so obvious to a person of your great experience that you would have rushed into the CEO's office to point out that the program will create large issues and have presented a well-written proposal to change the structure in a way which would protect the company's interests, remove the incentive for Affiliate Arbitrage, and also rewarding those who bring in new clients who are there to bet on red or black at your casino,. . . I mean trade at your brokerage.
only 3 out of 5 customers pharaoh has taken, others were burned the bill, what should I do?
[Quote = "Faraone, posta: 268.791, membro: 164"] Se davvero si vuole sprecare denaro mezzi termini, un affiliato (nel modo di descrivere) è semplicemente un IB che è pagato una tariffa fissa per ogni scalpo invece di ottenere un taglio di commissioni di negoziazione. In entrambi i casi, si tratta di qualcuno che è pagato per portare in clienti. Poi di nuovo, i broker forex sono impostati per pagare con facilità una quota di diffusione e / o commissioni, mentre i broker binari privi di liquidità sarebbero finiscono per pagare a persona oppure qualche taglio dei depositi (o perdite, naturalmente questi termini sono spesso intercambiabili quando riferendosi al broker binari).

Pagare $ 450 quando i clienti hanno solo depositare $ 250 in un broker binario non è solo un male per la matematica, è un invito aperto a IB,. . . Oh, scusa, mi permetta di mettere a modo tuo in modo da non essere offeso, filiale arbitraggio.

Ora siete preoccupati per i ritiri simultanei. Sì, direi che è sospetto. D'altra parte, ha avuto tutti quei ritiri state distanziate nel corso di un periodo di 2 mesi in cui non commerciale supplementare era avvenuta la vostra azienda avrebbe dovuto affrontare una perdita identica - Tutto a causa della mancanza di cura nella strutturazione del programma di affiliazione o meno di qualsiasi collusione ha avuto luogo. Ho il sospetto che la reazione di annullare il contratto sarebbe stato identico.

Avrei pensato che questo sarebbe così evidente ad una persona della vostra grande esperienza che si sarebbe precipitato nell'ufficio del CEO a sottolineare che il programma crea grandi problemi e ha presentato una proposta ben scritto per modificare la struttura in modo che avrebbe proteggere gli interessi della società, rimuovere l'incentivo per l'arbitraggio di affiliazione, e anche premiare coloro che attirare nuovi clienti che sono lì per scommettere sul rosso o nero al vostro casinò ,. . . Voglio dire al vostro commercio di intermediazione. [/ Quote]
Have any customers who had issues leave reviews and get their own threads opened here in Scam Alerts.
hello army, ox markets despite having declared fraudulent traffic continue to contact customers who have lost their money to offer him to put more money !!! I want to inform that I have given everything in the hands of ombusman that it is working
Warn all your customers to not place 1 cent with OxMarkets or any other binary company which contacts them.