Daily Video, EUR/USD, September 27, 2010

Sive Morten

Special Consultant to the FPA
Good morning,
Situation on EUR/USD is very similar to GBP/USD, but more comlicated. Here is why I've decided to prepear video on this currency. Besides, EUR gives us a chance to make a short-term scalp trade due to some reasons...

The technical portion of Sive's analysis owes a great deal to Joe DiNapoli's methods, and uses a number of Joe's proprietary indicators. Please note that Sive's analysis is his own view of the market and is not endorsed by Joe DiNapoli or any related companies.
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Pls How Do U Establish The Pivot Points?


Big Thanks for ur GREAT insights,

pls i want to learn how to calculate the PIVOT points.
for instance, you mention the daily,weekly,and monthly pivot points and i find them very useful.
pls feel free to contact me at mekino1000@yahoo.com

Thanks once again.
Do your homework mekino...

....the pivot points are explained in many places freely available for YOU to search. Our good friend Sive gives his analysis here for free, it's up to you to interpret and make your decisions. I made no sense in the beginning and after many hours of research I have used Sives analysis to make over 600 pips in the past 7 weeks. I have a lot more work ahead but I know that it's ultimately up to ME. :) Good luck and good trading.
mr novice

gudday sive
i cn't really thank you enough ,for the very first can boldly say from a left over of 74 dollars, i am hving a balance of 500 plus just this past week. I wish the best of every thing you will wish or desire yourself.
i can really plan ahead on m lil and less expensive marriage for my wife to be.
i really don't want to be forward but sive, i hve hard time understanding you from recorded video aand the voice break is continuous. plz i will appreciate it if their are any possible means of reading or listening your message.

Big Thanks for ur GREAT insights,

pls i want to learn how to calculate the PIVOT points.
for instance, you mention the daily,weekly,and monthly pivot points and i find them very useful.
pls feel free to contact me at mekino1000@yahoo.com

Thanks once again.

Hi Mekino, look into Glossary in the beginning of my root thread.

gudday sive
i cn't really thank you enough ,for the very first can boldly say from a left over of 74 dollars, i am hving a balance of 500 plus just this past week. I wish the best of every thing you will wish or desire yourself.
i can really plan ahead on m lil and less expensive marriage for my wife to be.
i really don't want to be forward but sive, i hve hard time understanding you from recorded video aand the voice break is continuous. plz i will appreciate it if their are any possible means of reading or listening your message.

Yes, the text version is also available in weekly thread.
mr novice

hello once again
thank sive,
i eventually got a clearer audio on your video analysis. i just need to know if from your analysis that at 1.3489 or 1.3500 will be a turn around for upward trend or downward trend
your analysis gbp, is it the pairing of gbp/usd or gbp/ eur
plz indulge my curiosity, just want to know to be on a safe side
mr novice

i got your mail on usd/jpy analysis but didn't get to read it, hw cn i get the info
your frndly
mr novice:eek:oh:
mr novice

hello there ,
do you mind cutting us some slack, we all ein't that bright as you are, so i beckon on you to assist us rather than belittle us, we all here to know just as you know too
pivot points

Dear, Mekino1000@yahoo.com

Just so you can't say you haven't been told and we don't help here.
You have to understand Support and Resistance to get a pivot point

Pivot Points

use your search tab for Pivot Points to get this:
Forex Peace Army Forum - Search Results


Support and Resistance

For me support and resistance is “Time period relevant”. What I mean by this, is that for each 1min, 15min, 30min, 1hr, 1day, 1month, you will get a different number value.
Here we get in to trending, moving averages and multiple moving averages.
OK if I heard that 3 years ago I would say, “You numbnut’s in poor man’s English, please”.
I had to make up something to memorize what the terms mean.
“Resistance” is when you jump up, the top of your head can only go so high, gravity pulls you back down.
“Support” is after you jumped up your feet hit the ground.
You can pogo stick to different high’s and pogo stick down a hill. Each different jump has it’s own circumstances in time.
Now we get into Fundamental’s vs Technical’s. If you are jumping on your pogo stick and don’t see the pot hole in the ground or the barn on fire, you crash or burn. You can’t trade with your “Ostrich head” in a technical cart.
Then your stupid, you didn’t check your fundamental reports (My workers knew to stop talking when a Dallas traffic report came on the radio, sometimes it was for us some times not).
If you are following a trend, i.e. Pogo sticking with a herd (Fibonacci go to the glossary and read each one, I call it following the band wagon) you may not know that at a certain point the lead guy is going to turn around and say hey you dummies go where you want I’m done and calling it a day. I don’t know why you followed me here, I’m going to the house.
Personally I like to eyeball the charts and use the cross hairs.
On you favorite time period chart take your cross hairs and match the line to eyeball the most tops of the candle bodies are or what ever you use. Write that number down. It will change. Go to a different time chart and do the same, again on other charts.
Use your brain. Sometimes the calculations are the way they are because the “Ubber banker/Troll’s” make them that way.
Figure out a line, back up 3 notches, and go for the conservative sure win.

I disavow all I have said above. You are on your own.

For fun I’ll dig up the numbers for the technical calculations of:
Pivot Point
S1, S2, S3
R1, R2, R3
and research the glossary, back later, I only have so many words I can type a day or explode.


Pivot points
I was given four websites to reference to understand pivot points. I am listing them in the order I would suggest they be looked at:
Pivot Points - Description of Pivot Points
How floor traders use this trading tool | TradingMarkets.com
What I got from them is this:
We want to understanding price movement on based previous history (technical analysis). Using the time period of our choice e.g. hourly, daily, weekly, monthly etc..
Let’s use daily as a time period example. Finding the High price of the day (H), the Low price of the day (L), the end of day Closing price "C" we can establish a reference equilibrium or Pivot point (P).
(H + L + C) / 3 = P
The sum of the High plus the Low plus the Closing, divided by 3, equals the Pivot Point.
Next we establish reference zones of movement from the "Pivot Point". "Resistance" being the up movement reference and "Support" being the down reference. An easy way to remember this is gravity resists you when jumping up, the ground supports your feet. Two zones in both directions is common, sometimes three. 1st Resistance and Support zones are calculated like this:
(P X 2) - L = R1
Double the Pivot Point (remember it for the next one) minus the Low of the day gives you the 1st Resistance level.
(P X 2) - H = S1
Double the Pivot Point minus the High of the day gives you the 1st Support level.
2nd Resistance and Support zones are calculated like this:
(R1 - S1) + P = R2
Take R1 minus S1 (remember it for the next one), add the Pivot Point to get R2
(R1 - S1) - P = S2
Take R1 minus S1, minus the Pivot Point to get S2
Listening to gossip and their gut instincts the "Big Buck" everyday traders use these numbers and play tug of war over the pivot point between the positive 1st Resistance level and the negative 1st Support level. Think of a football at the (pivot point) 1st and 10 (zone), but we aren’t limited to 10 and it goes in both directions. A funny thing happens when one of the zone lines is crossed. Everybody gets excited and jump up and down. Then the people that were afraid to get on the band wagon feel safer about it and start jumping on because they see others doing it .
An Italian guy named "Fibonacci" figured out the math for the way this commonly happens. The ratio is 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, 5+8=13 and so on. Using this 1,3,5,8,13 jumping on the band wagon effect is predictable and it can go in both directions, i.e. jumping on and starting over with 1 for jumping off.
Back to what happens when a zone line is crossed. If the R1 Resistance line is crossed it becomes the new Support line and the R2 is the new Resistance line. Just the opposite if the S1 Support line is crossed it becomes the new Resistance and the S2 is the new Support.
So the Big Buck guys control a lot of the movement back and forth between the zone lines using math, gossip and gut instinct. When one of the zone lines is crossed other traders start jumping on the band wagon and or jumping back off.

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