Disappointing With Some Brokers

Forex brokers are getting more and more disappointing. If we look back 5 years, there were many great brokers but we cannot see many good brokers these days. Those who are running from 10 years, they are not for beginners at all.
Brokers are 10 a penny now and aiming on recruiting lower investment people but at much larger numbers. growth and marketing go hand in hand so will always be around in this industry
I agree it is almost too hard to pick one as there are so many. The one you most liekly go with is the one best marketed. However I will agree with the comment that said if you invest only what you can afford to lose you should be ok
Yes compound has pluses and minus, usually in my plan is withdraw profit until reach break-even point, afterward, trying to compound, at least if reach break-even point already have backup later if fail trading
That`a good plan too.