Equilibrium Scam Tilts the Scales of Street Justice

Not much penalty in America

There is much less severe penalty for financial crimes in the USA (usually) than for many other so-called violent crimes.

I agree that to take someone's money away from them by deception is not as immediately dangerous to their life as a knife to the throat. However when someone has worked, sacrificed, and endured great difficulty for many years to accumulate a small nest egg for retirement and has been deceived into trading it all for the hopelessness of a life of poverty in the twilight years of their life it is very, very wrong. And yes, there should be a punishment that fits the crime.

Many of the people who were scammed by Madoff and his type were not rich and don't have any security in their life now, only worry and fear, and their future was stolen from them.

How would you feel if this happend to you or one of your loved ones?

Somehow there must be justice. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

Thank you again, FPA.