EUR/USD Daily Video, July 06, 2012

Sive Morten

Special Consultant to the FPA
Good morning,
By yesterday's price action market has re-established bearish bias. But currently price has reached daily oversold at some support levels. So we need a bounce to sell:

The technical portion of Sive's analysis owes a great deal to Joe DiNapoli's methods, and uses a number of Joe's proprietary indicators. Please note that Sive's analysis is his own view of the market and is not endorsed by Joe DiNapoli or any related companies.
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Agree, and volatility can make everything to change direction because if I am correct and we just W&R LL at 1,22866 we are ˝just˝ 120/130 pips from point where I expect to topped before NFP; at this moment I am waiting to buy

no offense Sive but your analysis this week and last week have been completely OPPOSITE of what actually happens. hoping next 2 weeks will be drastic improvement.
no offense Sive but your analysis this week and last week have been completely OPPOSITE of what actually happens. hoping next 2 weeks will be drastic improvement.

I agree with this, however the market is unpredictable, don't only trade on what Sive is saying, he always says 'maybe'.. I guess that is for the obvious reason that the market can't exactly be predicted, I mean if he was right he would be a millionaire right.

I too have been following this analysis the last week & losing money............. :/ But normally Sive makes me money, so hopefully things will pick up! Retracement is over so this should simplify the direction of the market again & let us recoup our losses.. EG: SELL SELL SELL ... :)
Nothing is predictable in life, and that's why we all want to live.
Same with forex! If it's so predictable, there will be no forex market.

"Aren't we all millionaires in JPY?"
Billionaires many times over in Indonesian Rupiahs...or other developing countries' currencies :p
no offense Sive but your analysis this week and last week have been completely OPPOSITE of what actually happens. hoping next 2 weeks will be drastic improvement.

Hi There,

I couldn't help but reply to your post..

As i am a consistent professional trader thanks to Sives Mentoring..

I must of been reading The anyalis incorrectly as if you follow Sives weekly thread he always gives you the different probabilities on which time frame you trade and if you are a positional or short term trader etc etc etc...

I personally am a longer term trader and the anyalis has been spot on... as far as i am concerned...

Also the market can do anything it wants at any given moment with random outcomes,as its based on probablities...

As most of the time if you are a scalper for example you will get taken out most times as due to the noise on the shorter time frames ..

As lets not forget that that the Euro on a longer time frame is expected to hit 118000 or lower so in between will get false rallies just look at any daily chart it goes up and down :)))

I am not critcising you just making a few obersvations as for me and a lot of other Traders Sives anyalis is a very valuable edge for us...

PS:::Hello to Morten turtle traders hope all of you doing great!!!!
U are 100% correct my friend Asif..
sive is a mentor who is helping us not a signal distributor......
anyone can use his analysis as a reference, 1st make ur own trading system/plan/style then combine with sive sir analysis
so it will help u a lot..:)
GoodLuck all of my frenzz
I agree with Asisf, RahmanSL and Lolly.
You are in fx market to make your own decision and your own mistakes.
Unlike Asif, I am a short time trader. Well, I am in the positive territory for the past couple of weeks...
I actually value Siva's posts and the input from this forum greatly - I am learning a lot. I read every Siva's post, even though I am mainly trading Asian currencies.