
I can say with 100% certainty that it will do one of three things.

1. It will trend up.
2. It will trend down.
3. It will trend sideways.

Personally, I've voting for a downtrend over the next few months, since I think Europe is going to implode a little faster than the USA. Others disagree with me on this point.

On the other hand, if the ECB decides to make an example of any one of the countries that's dragging the whole Eurozone down by kicking it out, I think that would lead to a short period of very chaotic prices for the Euro, followed by strengthening since investors would regain confidence that the ECN has enough spine to take real steps to protect the currency. Others disagree with me on this point.

If the Eurozone goes into total meltdown and the Euro ceases to be a currency, then all bets are off. If that happens, I'm bullish on the Deutchmark.