Fibonacci Adjustment for MetaTrader 4

Black Knight

Private, 1st Class
It has come to my attention that MetaTrader 4 handles and plots fibs a bit differently than other popular platforms such as eSignal, VT Trader, TradeStation, etc.

We've put together a quick document showing you how to customize fibonacci settings within MT4 so that both extentions and retracements get plotted at the same time (and as an added bonus, the retracements will also not be labeled backwards as they usually are).

This forum limits PDF attachments to only 19k, so I was unable to attch the tutorial... however you can also download it from from fx-knight forum.

I hope this helps clear up some of the confusion!

Good trading,

-=Black Knight
Fibonacci Mt4

Hey Black Knight - thank you very much for this, its just what I've been looking for to re-arm my Fibonacci arsenal. No need to upload the file here, I just went to the forum and uploaded it here. I think people are going to find good use for it - there seems to be a fibonacci following :)

Anyway, nice file. And thanks Admin for increasing the PDF file sizes its going to make sharing work a lot easier now.

Good night and happy trading.



  • Fibo.pdf
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