Forex News Trading Plans for Week 26, Jun 21 – Jun 27 2015

I hope you can solve as soon as possible. Thank you very much beforehand.

I wonder what that's going on, because behind this there is much interest to people who sell auto click. Perhaps this is a Hakeo?

Ojala lo puedas solucionar lo mas pronto posible. De ante mano muchas gracias.

Me gustaría saber que es lo que es lo que pasa, pues detrás de esto hay mucho intereses, hasta personas que venden auto click. Acaso esto se trata de un Hakeo?
Hi guys, I think today will not trade with FNG. Two days not worked. It happens very often lately. Please reboot the server.

Hi guys, I think today will not trade with FNG. Two days not worked. It happens very often lately. Please reboot the server.
Hi guys, i appreciate about this nice software. Thanks very much.
But could you be so polite to restart the server. From the past two weeks i see that the server have some issues and i know that it's hard to support all the systems.
May i suggest one simple decision.
Probably if you create one restart cron job which will be executed ones per day automatically this will solve the problem.
If you need our help and support - tell my how i personally or someone of this nice forum can help.

We respect your job very much.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards
Hi Peter,

What a pity we missed out -no doubt not due to you as i know you work very hard to fix it -It came good here in Aus. 1 or 2 min after 830 pm:( never mind mate, after all the efforts you put in week after week working to please us, thank you for all your hard wotk and thank you for the pips we did get all this time, may God be on your side next week. Thank you again. :)
I hope next week the program will work, because there is a lot of news.
Please reboot the server in time, if it will not work.
Last week no condition were meet, there were pretty much any spike, I think its because of the greek tensions. Do you guys this week will be good news spike after the 30june deadline for greek"?