By the end of 2012? What's up with the delay of payments? You reported that you've been waiting since March 2010. Are they paying interest or penalties for the delay?

Tell them to pay ALL of your money NOW and promise to ask for the thread to be marked as resolved after 100% of the money they owe you is safely in your hands.
It looks like they are buying time.

I suggest that you insist on getting payed NOW.
In light of demands like this, the FPA has instituted a new policy.

The contents of posts and reviews can be removed from view before payments are received. There is one condition. If the person or company promising payments fails to make payments exactly as promised, the matter will be turned over to the FPA Scam Investigations Committee. The Committee has already ruled that any broken promise tied to a demand to have anything hidden from public view before full payment of money owed is made will result in a Scam finding.

Excessive numbers of requests from a company, even if payments are made, will result in that company losing this option to have information taken down. There are not very many clients who have posted in this thread, so I don't think that will be an issue in this case.

I've made a backup copy of the unaltered version of this thread. If any client of this company who posted in this thread reports any promised payments not being made on time, the company will be listed as a scam and the owners will be listed as scammers. If every client who has posted in this thread reports getting all money returned, then the thread can be marked as resolved or be deleted.
Submitting to the demands of blackmailers sucks, but at least this new policy comes with some consequences.
Oh my.

First, contact and file a report.

Then we need to get AsstModerator to try to contact everyone who posted in this thread.