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Discuss ForexBlueStar.com (Jan Kaufmann)

General discussions of a financial company
This is not EA but trade copy. Backtest will not work and if they stop transmitting the signal you finished with the trading. You do not own anything.
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learn and understand.
Thanks in Advance!
I am interested in the details of the strategy.
Do traders here post any details of their winning strategies ?
I appreciate any contributions .
Thank you,
Backtest will not work and if they stop transmitting the signal you finished with the trading. You do not own anything.
Website says 60 day money back guarentee and if you ask for a refund you get a lot of silence. So Yes I'd say it's a scam.
This site has gone dead since last posted trade in their published test. Software has ceased to function. No repsonse has been received from vendor after 6 requests in last month despite threats to publish negative review. All trades executed since the beginning of 2012 have been losers. Stay away from this scam artist who has disappeared in the night. Even their merchant account has been disabled.