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Problem Gtl trading dmcc

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Forse è importante conoscere quello che è stato pubblicato su economiaweb.


12 luglio 2012 - 16:17

scusate l’intromissione ma desidero fornire un chiarimento sull’intera vicenda Gforex. A dubai, il fascicolo nr. 1567/2011, relativo all’istanza presentata dai legali GForex presso il Pubblic Prosecutor ( una sorta di giudice di pre-esame che valuta la portata dell’esposto) risulta chiusa in quanto, proprio a detta del citato pubblic prosecutor Mohammed Abdul Aziz Abdulla Al Omar, non sussistono fatti, tra quelli rappresentati nell’esposto, che possano configurarsi come reati ne come violazione amministrativa. Pertanto, fin dal 12 settembre 2011, tale decisione giace immemore nei faldoni delle cause mai avviate presso la Dubai Court. E nulla altro esiste contro Mahmood Riaz, le sue societa’ ed altro. Cio si spiega con il fatto che a Dubai il diritto, come in tutti i paesi islamici, deriva dal Corano e, laddove non arriva il corano vi e’ la sunna, poi le consuetudini e gli usi. Non esiste il Diritto Bancario come lo conosciamo noi, ne il Diritto Commerciale, ne il Diritto Societario; con cio’ intendo dire che se non vi e’ tale tipo di diritto, non se ne puo’ ipotizzare nemmeno la sua violazione. Tanto piu, vi e’ da dire che il Riaz e’ cittadino pachistano, e se un cittadino pachistano, froda (diciamo cosi) cittadini italiani, non sara’ certo la corte di Dubai a dirimere la controversia!!!! Se ne guardano bene!! Un giudice ( e prima ancora un pubblic prosecutor) interviene con decisione in una Causa solo se vi e’ stato un danno ad un cittadino emiratino. tutte le vicende che riguardano expat sono trattate consufficienza o nn trattate, spingendo, quando e’ possibile, le parti a conciliare. Questa e’ la realta’. A dubai, i cittadini italiani, nonostante tutti gli sforzi del Governo Italiano, non avranno mai una tutela giuridicamente valida dagli organismi inquirenti e giudicanti.
L’unico appiglio e’ l’azione della Magistratura Italiana che dovrebbe, ad esempio, chiedere al Dr. Di Fonzo, lumi sul conto accesso presso la First international Carribean Bank, dove i soldi dei risparmiatori italiani andavano a finire, e ovviamente operava Gforex unitamente a GLT trading DMCC corporate e lo stesso Mahmood Riaz…
insomma.. La magistratura italiana dovrebbe prendere un po di coraggio ed andare a fondo con indagini contabili e patrimoniali, nonche con rogatorie internazionali.. anche se nn avranno le prime pagine dei giornali per questo caso ormai dimenticato dalla grande stampa, forse avranno fatto il loro dovere .. in un Paese dove si agisce solo se c’e un tornaconto, specie purtroppo anche negli organismi piu alti dello Stato. Solo cosi si riuscira’ a capire il ruolo dei singoli personaggi, le responsabilita’ e soprattutto dove sono i soldi dei risparmiatori… ah.. un’ultima cosa… il Riaz agiva anche con un altro nome ed un altro passaporto… legalmente rilasciato dalle autorita’ pachistane…
buon lavoro



14 luglio 2012 - 00:12

Alla luce di quanto illustrato brillantemente dal Dr. Andrea, che cosa intende fare ora il Dr. Di Fonzo per recuperare i soldi dei 400 italiani truffati? Intende ancora lasciarsi abbindolare dalle chiacchiere di Halabi e Cavallucci?
Visto che la magistratura italiana non si pone molte domande su questa vicenda, le giriamo direttamente noi al dr. Di Fonzo, prendendo spunto proprio dalle considerazioni del Dr. Andrea: “chiedere al Dr. Di Fonzo, lumi sul conto accesso presso la First international Carribean Bank, dove i soldi dei risparmiatori italiani andavano a finire, e ovviamente operava Gforex unitamente a GLT trading DMCC corporate e lo stesso Mahmood Riaz…”

hello ,
the only thing complain dmcc that riaz runs gtlforex under dmcc
he does not licenese
his new site gtltradeup.com
is full of joke
ha ha ha ..... beyond ECN liquidity and fill
he is free
Hi edmos,
I'm aware of it. I already posted that the criminal case had been dismissed by the Dubai Courts,although Gforex says now that it has been reopened as a consequence of new legal evidences(on that point,I'm trying to get information straight from Dubai).
I also knew about the First Caribbean International Bank (Cayman) Ltd. and the transferring money to BVI (Tortola)
Apart from that,my advice is always the same:the investors have to pull together and to press the Milan's Prosecution Office,so that it can start full-on investigation

In attachments,the complaint's confirmation(a copy of the original document and the original translation into english language),filed on July 2011 and dismissed by the Public Prosecution of Dubai,some months later.


  • Al Maarif.pdf
    411.3 KB · Views: 21
  • translate Al Maarif.pdf
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A friend spoke to a lawyer from Al Maarif.He said that cannot talk about this case because his italian client has prohibited them from talking to anyone.

images.jpg mmmmmm.jpg
another Parliamentary question

interrogazione in commissione C. 5/07147 / Testo INTERROGAZIONE A RISPOSTA IN COMMISSIONE - OpenParlamento

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refers:C.5/07147 [On the failure of securities firms GForex]

Double Act

A question for immediate response by the Commission 5-07147 COSIMO Ventucci
Tuesday, June 19, 2012, meeting n.652
Ventucci. - The Minister of Economy and Finance. - To know - given that:

in recent months the press has given prominence to the news about 400 Italian investors who have suffered losses of around 26 million euros as a result of the failure of securities firms GForex;

in particular, that company would have collected from Italian clients funds that should have been invested in the financial center of Dubai through the electronic platform for trading and financial services provided by the company GTL Trading, based in Dubai, due to the Pakistani national Riaz Mahmood ;

the above company GTL Trading through complex mechanisms speculative, promised, in essence, rapid and substantial gains through arbitrage activities of foreign exchange currencies;

according to press reports, the funds collected from the customers of that company GForex would be passed through a complex corporate architecture, first in Switzerland, then to Dubai, and then transferred to a company based in the Virgin Islands;

as assessed by the directors of the company GForex, before being put into liquidation, the disruption would be caused by breaches by the company GTL, which, as of March 18, 2011, would have prevented access to that GForex telematics platform and to make their trading operations, thereby preventing the GForex to recover the sums transferred to the GTL, resulting in a loss, by Italian investors, the amount they invested;

as a result of that failure GForex the company has taken legal action against GTL, submitting a complaint to the courts of Dubai and one at the prosecutor's office in Milan;

in this context Riaz Mahmood said he would return it to the liquidator of a proposed settlement GForex totally unsatisfactory, suggesting the return of only a small fraction of the amount invested;

the dynamics of such instability is still obscure, both as regards the timing, both as regards the reasons which have determined;

also does not appear clear in this context, the responsibilities of the Italian company GForex, who, in September 2010, was inspected in view of its transformation into brokerage companies (SIM);

In any case, we must emphasize the seriousness of the situation, which is another great example of a hoax perpetrated on unsuspecting investors, who, encouraged by the promise of major investment rates, now at risk of losing their savings, with many families in a condition of severe difficulties;

in particular is very disturbing that it was possible to collect savings from the general public, to allocate to speculative investments entirely opaque, operated by foreign companies, probably located in tax havens, with no time to intervene surveillance mechanisms responsible for ensuring transparency and the protection of investors;

the question has already been the subject of question for written answer no. 4-14974 signed first Marinello, with which it asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Economy and Finances, a diplomatic intervention by the Government of the United Arab Emirates;

In response to this act of union inspection, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs informed Dassù, on April 26, 2012, that the matter had been brought to the attention of the Italian Embassy in Abu Dhabi, and that the Italian ambassador had brought, with its letter, the matter to the attention of the Minister of the UAE, underscoring the sensitivity of the issue and the need to protect the rights of Italian citizens affected -:

which may provide more information on, even through the CONSOB, and what steps it proposes to assume, even in his capacity as President of the Interministerial Committee for Credit and savings in order to ensure adequate protection to the rights of Italian investors involved and to obtain the return of capital they had invested, and in order to prevent future similar events could happen again. (5-07147)
Gforex points the finger at Mahmood Riaz

Di Fonzo: «Le mie colpe su Gforex». Intervista esclusiva. | Economia Web

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The founder of the bankrupt company in 2011: "I was wrong to turn to Gtl." The collaboration with the Swiss headquarters. And now? "I am looking for work."

She admits she made many mistakes, but always made sure to have them in good faith and without fraudulent intent. So Claudio Di Fonzo, 42, in this interview Economiaweb.it reply to the many charges against him by former clients Gforex, the company he founded in 2011 and ended in bankruptcy, sending smoke into a sum of around EUR belonging 26milioni to 400 investors throughout Italy.
For Di Fonzo, almost all the responsibilities in this matter is to be charged to her ex-partner of Dubai: Riaz Mahmood, owner of Gtl Trading, a platform for trading currencies through which clients' money has disappeared from day to Gforex night. (THE BACKGROUND GFOREX)

QUESTION: Well, Dr. Di Fonzo, the blame is Riaz?
ANSWER: Gtl Trading has taken possession of money that were not his property but belonged to customers of GForex. Sums of money were segregated, as expected from a contract signed in 2009 by the same Riaz. In other words, our company was the victim of embezzlement.
Q: Do you really feel they have nothing to reproach?
A: I never said that and I always made self-criticism on the developments that the affair had Gforex. Unfortunately, however, errors are increasingly recognized after they have committed. The only thing you can do in these cases, has groped to find a remedy as I did, I was the first to report Riaz for his conduct.
Q: What mistakes committed, exactly?
A: The one that I turned to a counterparty as unreliable Gtl Trading.
Q: How did you know Riaz and why he decided to go into business with him?
A: The Trading Gtl was selected by my managers in some companies, in 2008, offered good commercial conditions and seemed to meet our needs. Certainly, the professional image of Riaz and the accounts of his companies gave the impression that a business enterprise Gtl Trading was very solid. At that time, there was absolutely no information, data or simple rumors that could create alarm bell for us.
Q: Actually, in Italy, some say the opposite, namely that the founder of Gtl Trading was for years a very controversial character, involved in various legal proceedings. Not so?
A: Absolutely not. Who says these things, he says only today, after a lot of information on Riaz have finally come to light. When I met him, the founder of Gtl Trading was a professional estimate. Even today, despite all the facts that the protagonist, Riaz enjoys explicit recommendations by prominent professionals in the financial sector, through the pages of the social network Linkedin.
Q: But was there really need to contact a broker based in Dubai?
A: At this point I would like to do some 'clarity, considering the blunders and inaccuracies that I read in some newspaper articles. We have not worked directly with a company in Dubai. We turned to the Swiss subsidiary of the group of Riaz. It is often said that financial intermediaries active in the Helvetic Republic are subject to strict controls and can rarely implement fraudulent or incorrect. Obviously, things are not so. But I would add another detail.
Q: Which one?
A: The Gtl trading was backed by major banking groups such as the Geneva headquarters of HSBC, which, apparently, did not notice anything.
Q: When I first started the "rust" from her, the founder of Gtl Trading?
A: The first friction there were in 2010, but the final breakup of any relationship occurred only in April of 2011, when we found that Gforex could not now make any mediation or agree with the Gtl Trading.
Q: Why, then, in 2010 she decided to set up a Luxembourg company to manage a hedge fund, where Riaz was among the founding fathers?
A: First, let me mention two things. My share in the Luxembourg company, which was founded in February of 2010, was a minority and was purchased by me just to create synergies between this new hedge fund and Gforex. The participation of Riaz, however, was very short and only lasted 3 months.
Q: Then how did it end?
A: The Luxembourg hedge fund, which was a project conceived in 2007 by our managers Spinardi Alessandro and Marco Duquette, never became operational. Riaz shares were still detected after a few months by the same Spinardi and replaced by an institutional investor English. All operations are still occurring with the maximum transparency: the constitution of the company in Luxembourg was not a hidden fact, but well known by many of the commercial network of agents Gforex.
Q: What does Claudio Di Fonzo now in life?
A: I'm unemployed, waiting to find a new position in the labor market.
Q: It will not be easy for her, seeing what has happened ...
A: I know. Unfortunately the macroeconomic scenario is not the best for those seeking 'employment.