Hello from Oz


Private, 1st Class
Hi fellow recruits,

I am a Forex Ninja Trader and joined the FPA to help hunt, catch and expose those corrupt marketers , brokers and "gurus" who promote and sell unrealistic,
worthless products to all of us (forex newbies and traders).

United we can force those "bad guys: out of business.

Vive les "newbies", vive "forex"


You've come to the right place. If you check the Scam section of the forum, you'll see reports on some "less than pristine" companies. Feel free to jump in on any of the threads there.

If you have any more info, please share it in the Scam area, the Forex Services Discussions area, and via reviews.

I have been going through the reviews. i see you have been very active sharing your experiences there.

Keep up the good work!