How to secure trading Strategy

In order to regulate your strategy, you need to understand your strategy well.
To understand what mechanisms it involves, how it can be used and adjusted in practice, etc.
And in this case I think that you can use anything you want.
Your personally developed strategy is working well and you do not want someone else to use it not share it not promote it. If you use it to show your performance for people attraction finally you will share it and they will use.itSo best solution
why you secure strategy? and how some one use it? you yourself advertice your strategy. and then ask how secure it. why? don't tell strategy or tell everyone it. what's the problem???
How, how are you.
I have a question.
How i can secure my strategy.
i was creating strategies from last 12 years.
Finally i reach to point which is was looking for.
Trade minimum trade in account as low as 0.01% - 0.05 % risk on each trade.
on all open trades total risk will not be more than 1%
Monthly returns 20%++

I am not using this strategy because i want to be sure how i safe guard my strategy.

Stay calm keep smiling
God bless :)
Stay consistent, back test, forward test. Best way to do it.

High RR, or a high win rate for a successful strategy. Both and you are golden.
I hope that you will test it and then be able to offer it to your colleagues.
Of course you need time to make sure it is the right design, I hope it is really worthy of attention.
It's just incredibly cool that you created something useful yourself. This is a real indicator of professionalism.
I want to start trading in life account, after using demo for about 8 months. And all I have is $200. Is there anything wrong in splitting the money and deposit with 2 or even 3 brokers. The $200 is my entire saving home and abroad. And am afraid to dump it with one broker( a case of putting all one's egg in one basket).
You need to be careful not to over stretch yourself. I have always been told to only trade what you can afford to lose. Have you practiced on a demo account?