IBCFX scam or what else?


Hello! My name is Gennaro, I made a deposit two months ago, and after some profits I requested several time a withdrawal. First my request was refused, than was accepted (by email), but after 2 weeks my money is not on my bank account neither on my metatrader account. No tracks, no swift. My manager Account Angelo Costa is no more available, he's not on skype, he is never at the office, and no longer responds to my emails.
No one inside IBCFX is able to answer to my question or fix or solve my issue. I talked with support, and no one can do anything but leave a message to Account Manager (Alessandro Costa). To me they all agree to steal money. I managed some accounts for my friends, and same story: every request is refused, Always without provide any kind of reason. I hope this could help people to keep away from this scammer!
They don't have office's address and it's impossible to know where they really are, and what are their real names!
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Send an email to every address you can find for IBCFX. Invite them join this thread and explain what is going on.

A manager today called me! Maybe in next days we'll have some new update???
I'll keep you updated sharing what's going to happen!
Just don't let them draw you into an indefinite delay. If you deposited by credit card, contact the fraud department of your issuing bank and ask about the deadline for chargebacks.
Marco Rossi have contacted me to threaten me. He asked me to cancel every post, then (maybe) he would re activate my account (actually it doesn't work) and (maybe) get back only a part of my money.
They are still not happy: my account is blocked (i can't place any order), my account manager has been missing from two months (from my first withdrawal request), i have not been paid at all, neither my IB commission, neither my profits (from gaining trades), nor my deposit back.
Do we need further proofs?

Ciao promiscuo anche io Sono Stato truffato da ibcfx, il mio accaunto manager? Marco Rossi, solo $ 50,000 TRA me EI Miei Affiliati, A Parte le scuse poco Chiare e Inutili, Sergente Maggiore io ho inviate le mail a Tutti Gli indirizzi Presenti e non riguardo a ibcfx, Informando also Il Direttore nuovo, tramite cartaceo con RRR, Attendo Una risposta per iscrittto, Semper esista. Saluti