I'm trying to make money by pirating Hector Devill's Forex knight course


Dishonorably discharged from the FPA for trying to
I'm a pirate wannabe who doesn't care about copyright law. Here's my BS story...

1 week ago i bought the "Hector devill's" new amazing forex course "Forex knights" and as a beginner this course really take me many steps forward in the forex industry, it shows you everything you need to know about technicals and fundamentals analysis it based on trend following trader,,

The course contains :

-The 3SMA Trend-Riding System

-The London Open Breakout Strategy

-The Market Flow Strategy

-The Part-Time Trader

-Money Management Manifesto

-The News Trader

-The Price Action Reading Mastery

-10 of amazing Hectors indicators

-And the 3 of most advanced forex indicators :

1-Trend Scanner Indicator 2-Foreign Currency Index Indicator 3-The HindSight Oracle Indicator

Please for more details get into the sell page - forexknights.com/store-mentorship.php

The product sell price is $997 !! but believe me it wort it!!

The surprise here is that i'm offering this full product for only 100$ :):)

believe me i would like to publish it for free but because i lost 80% of my trading balance since I am incompetent (before reading this course) i need some money to start over now with more confidence and more understanding of this market (thanks to hector) and because I don't mind stealing from Hector to make money for myself.

Contact me if you are interesting at Ilovetoviolatecopyright (at) arrestmeforbeingascumbag.com

I'm trying to steal from Hector by making this offer, so you can trust me with your money.

Sami tried to beg his way back into the FPA after spamming this illegal ad in the forums. He still doesn't understand that his actions are criminal. He has been dishonorably discharged from the FPA.

Amusing. I'm wondering whether this post was a real attempt at fraud or a piece of satire. Either way, it's good that he's banned.