Insure against scam brokers

The best way for you to avoid being scammed by a broker is for you to choose the right broker. It is not like that he not so popular brokers sue some measures to scam money from unsuspecting victims. Some people never know that they have been scammed until it is too late. The important thing is choosing the right broker.
The reason why there is no information over this matter is because no one is willing to talk about it because they are all in it together. There are a lot of popular brokers trusted by many people that still scam it's traders a lot of ways that may not be noticed but no one ever do anything about it but complain.
There are certain red flags to look put for but at the end of the day you wither have to make a decision to go with a broker based on what you know about them or don't and accept that trading isn't for you. Even down to choosing a broker it is a game of probabilities.
Definitely need to do your research when picking your broker. There are regulated brokers which obviously offer addition security however, I have used a few unregulated ones and had really good experiences.