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Discuss LockwoodINV.com

General discussions of a financial company
salve, io posso dire che lockwoodinv.com è per certo una truffa. Ho investito con loro 20.000,00€ e il conto è cresciuto tantissimo(quindi non perso nulla), ma non mi ridanno i soldi e non rispondono a nessun contatto.
Il Broker in questione è un tale Thomas Blant, uno che parla un italiano con accento tedesco, tipo svizzero o altoatesino che si spaccia per gran amicone e simpaticone ma con l'oscuro intento di carpire la fiducia altrui al fine di rubare. Si fa aiutare da un sedicente Francesco Cecchini ( o Cechini); da Alessanrdo Luppis e da una segretaria della quale non ricordo il nome. SONO DEI LADRI... senza mezzi termini. state attenti..

hi, I can say that lockwoodinv.com is certainly a scam. I invested with them € 20,000.00 and the bill has grown a lot (so I lost nothing), but I do not give back money and do not respond to any contact.
The broker in question is such a Thomas Blant, one who speaks an Italian with a German accent, like Swiss or South Tyrol who pretends to be a big friend and funny guy but with the obscure intent to steal the trust of others in order to steal. He is helped by a so-called Francesco Cecchini (or Cechini); by Alessanrdo Luppis and a secretary whose name I can not remember. I AM THIEVES ... in no uncertain terms. be careful
إحدى الشركات الاحتيالية تستخدم طريقة التضليل والتهرب ، وتستثمر معها وتؤدي إلى سرقة المال ، ولا تجيب على مدير الاتصالات والحساب الذي دعا عبد السلام رزق وهو يحاول التغلب عليك وسحب المزيد والمزيد من المبالغ ، والتعاون مع الآخرين الأشخاص ذوو الصفات الرسمية وخصائص المستثمرين واستخدام أرقام هواتف الإدارات والوزارات الحكومية لإزالة أي شك واكتساب الثقة لإيقاعك