Losses are part of trading

Not only losses are an inevitable part our trading but our lives too. But losses teach us a lot and that's why we always return in better forms.
Not only losses are an inevitable part our trading but our lives too. But losses teach us a lot and that's why we always return in better forms.
Losses prevent you to become over-confident, doesn't let the feeling that you finally found a Holy Grail overwhelm you. But important point is to reduce the cost of taking that valuable lessons as much as possible and sometimes it takes great effort to cut your losses and admit mistakes.
Losses prevent you to become over-confident, doesn't let the feeling that you finally found a Holy Grail overwhelm you. But important point is to reduce the cost of taking that valuable lessons as much as possible and sometimes it takes great effort to cut your losses and admit mistakes.
I agree with this, losses occur in order to remind us that we need to improvise our area in which we are lacking.
Losses cannot be eliminated from trading, unfortunately. It is due to the fact that the markets are unpredictable and there are always the chances of opening an failed deal even if you follow your trading strategy which works well. Math cannot explain human behaviour with 100% accuracy, which makes it impossible to predict whether the people will buy or sell this or that asset under some conditions. Trading is just a work with probabilities. As we all know there is never 100% probability of this or that even to happen, so the market always bring some surprises which can be happy or unhappy.
If you have some losses in your trading, there is nothing to worry about because there always some minor occasional fluctuations which cannot be predicted. However, if you have lots of losses, then you've got to analyze your trading strategy and make some alterations to make it more suitable to use.
Losses cannot be eliminated from trading, unfortunately. It is due to the fact that the markets are unpredictable and there are always the chances of opening an failed deal even if you follow your trading strategy which works well. Math cannot explain human behaviour with 100% accuracy, which makes it impossible to predict whether the people will buy or sell this or that asset under some conditions. Trading is just a work with probabilities. As we all know there is never 100% probability of this or that even to happen, so the market always bring some surprises which can be happy or unhappy.
If you have some losses in your trading, there is nothing to worry about because there always some minor occasional fluctuations which cannot be predicted. However, if you have lots of losses, then you've got to analyze your trading strategy and make some alterations to make it more suitable to use.

Absolutely so true its definitely probabilities. It is also key to know the law of random distribution. It is not going to be as clear as 8/10 trades are winners or 6/10 are winners etc its going to be random but over a large number it will work out
I believe losses are part of trading. It's how we learn. The thing you have to work on is your risk management so that when these losses happen you only lose a small %. Hopefully then your profitable trades will out way your losses.
There is surely no way to eliminate losses from your trading, unfortunately, but you really need to reduce their total proportion to the successful deals.
For me, the indicator of a success of my trading strategy is the proportion between wins and losses. This actually determines my risk and money management tactics, so that I will make the most out of trading with certain amount of accuracy.