Managed Accounts


I was wondering if anyone has had any good experiences with managed accounts. I know the managed account test section on here shows results but I was wondering if anyone is actually dealing with these companies.
Well now, I am not a fundi in this regard but I have been researching "managed accounts" for many months and all.
Are you conservative or going for broke?
If you are conservative and looking at 5-10% PM then carry on reading. If you want 40% PM, then you going for broke then click out.
I presume you have read the posts given to you by the Big Boss and all.
Most good managers take a percentage of your profit and this gives him or them an incentive to keep your account going and in profit. If they get a margin then you both loose.
Now, strangely, I have come across a manager that does not take monthly profits but only PIPS per trade. Now you will have been told not to use this type of manager as they "Churn" your account. ie More trades they make the more pips they make. Even if they are loosing trades.
So now as I was saying, I have found a good manager that I have been following for months and have put my money where my mouth is and funded my account with $10K for him to trade. He uses a reputable broker at AvaFx.
com AND his website states the correct gains PM.
He is very conservative in his trades and did 5% last month with only 5 trades. This month is as we all know very difficult for trading so they did not trade. Good for me.
Go to Premier Markets Advisory and discuss with Jim.
Max DD= 10%
All manual trades. Not EA.
No, I don't get any benefits for this promotion.
Thanks Johnny. I think for now I will keep trading my own account but I appreciate your advice.