Managing FPA Email Upgrade


FPA Forums and Reviews Admin
The company that used to handle the FPA's email was having some issues, so there's a new one.

Now there are 4 lists. You can be subscribed to any or all of these. They are...

The FPA Core List. This will cover Scam Alerts, Performance Testing, and general announcements.

Daily News Signals. The Daily Signals from Crazy Cat. If you want to trade the news, this one is for you.

Shoulders of Giants - Sive Morten. This is for Sive's European Forex Professional mailings. Other great analysts and traders should be getting their own lists later.

Freebies and discounts. Advertisers have been begging to send emails to FPA members. So far, the answer has been "NO!" every time they've asked. Some FPA members have asked if the FPA could pass along special offers. With a separate list, only FPA members who want to get these mailings will receive them.

Now, if you only want the Daily Signals, you can get just that. If you only want general announcements and Sive's mailings, you can get just that. The choice is yours. Here's how to control it...

If you have a personal forums account, go to your User CP and pick "Edit your details". Then just select the lists you want. You can go back anytime and change your choices. Here's a picture of what it looks like...


All emails to all of the FPA's lists will have an unsubscribe link. If you click it, you'll need to select each list you want to stay on. Once you unsubscribe from a list, you won't be able to see if using the unsubscribe feature in email. You'll have to login to your forums account if you change your mind. If you don't have a forums account, just use the Join Now box in the upper-right corner of this page. Make sure to enter the same email address.

Here's what the unsubscribe page looks like if you are on all 4 lists...


If you wanted to get off the Freebies and Discounts list, you would need to put a check mark in front of the other 3 lists before clicking accept.

I'm sure there will be questions. It may take a couple of days to get all the bugs squashed, but I think this will end up being a great improvement to the old "subscribe to everything" method.

Thank you for keeping the user in mind while creating the new email features. Your attentiveness to subscribers and attention to detail is certainly appreciated!

Just wondering if the site has changed since this post and thus the reason for my difficulty in finding it.
Thank you
Looks like the last upgrade the FPA made to the forums moved the UserCP to the "Settings" link at the very top edge of the page.