Olimpfinance: Fraud by account manager Sebastian Winter


Sebastian Winter (SW), my account manager at Olimpfinance has a very „interesting“ fraud system with which he successfully robbed me my whole account.

The fraud works like this:

1. SW invites you to trading sessions of about 5 min and proves to you that he is a very good trader in the 2-3 min time frame.

2. After some (successful) trading days he insist that to continue trading with him you increase your
account to 2000 Euro at least.

3. You increase your account size and continue the trading sessions with him and your account continues to grow. Trading with SW becomes a daily routine to you.

4. Some day (in my case on 28/12/2016) he gives you 3 trades in quick succession which have in total a size corresponding to the size of your account. He tells you to hurry up because these are short term trades and you think that this will be especially good trades – like all the trades from SW.

5. 3 min later your account is wiped out and SW is sorry for the bad trades and says you are not to responsible for these trades. Later he will make the proposition to invest another 400 Euro which he will surely increase to 1500 Euro in 2 days.

6. You look more closely at the trades your account manager SW has made and feels sorry for. And what do you see? He made 3 call trades with an expiry in 3 min in a downtrending market wiping out your whole account in 3 min

7. You realize that you became victim of a fraud !
I applied for a chargeback. But my bank refused. What would be the applicable visa code in above case ?
Few steps that you must follow to draw their attention to your issue,
Follow the suggested steps below:

If you deposited your money via credit card then contact the credit card customer care asap and ask them to file a chargeback.
Go to their website and invite them to here via Live Chat
Invite them to join this thread via email (Send an email to every possible address).

You will find their email and address https://olimpfinance.com/#contact
Also, Share your story as a review https://www.forexpeacearmy.com/forex-reviews/13429/www.olimpfinance.com

You can also share your story on their social media pages mentioned below:



Note: Don’t forget to update your review/s when you got solution of your problem