Opening a live account

Eric Alyea

Master Sergeant
Opening a live account

The "test and the tease of the ACCOUNT if you please".
What are you willing to pay for a lap dance at a nude club?? That is what comes to mind. I haven’t been to “Nude” Bar in 20 no 15 years by accident (I know where to get mine @home).
What is the return for your money(work) / pleasure. Are you just teasing yourself with Forex:
I Can do this (Forex) and make money fast??.... so I can spend it FAST....?? That sucks!
2% to 5% that is your goal in the real world. Crunch the numbers (sophomore a.k.a. wise-fool). Anything more is "PRACTICED", maybe “Talent” (Luck is where preparation meets opportunity and knowing how to "HIT" it). Basically that means you turned professional. That takes practice.

What does all this have to do with the title... “Opening a live account”
start small..(the trick to the trap is the bait) Which means “YOU” control your bait, line, and hook and never put out more than you can loose while trolling for a catch. I really hated Hemingway “Old man and the sea” but it has it’s lessons.

I think that Felix’s 10% to Charity club is a good Practice (and test for a broker). If you can’t successfully draw 10% off your account from your broker to give to Charity "EVERY MONTH" then something is not correct.

Merry Christmas and good trading to all

I was caught practicing and posting my results (More on that later) and had legal action proposed against me. Basically, They though I was making a lot of money and didn’t see it was a practice account. Lurking is not so bad. But somebody has to have the “Kahones/Balls” to say something. My whole life as been standing up and taking fire.

Why I am not dead is only because of the Mother's prayer account of pleading to God.

"I will take the fire"
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Establishing a Relationship

The purpose is to "establishing a relationship" in what ever you choose to do. This is the most important thing in life more than money.

The foundation of “TRUST”. It used to be a part of a Banks name, "?? Bank & Trust,,," etc.
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Someone threatened to sue you over posting results? What kind of lamer would do such a thing?