

I opened an account with OptionRally paying the required £250 and then received a phone call from an account manager. She spoke very quickly and I was quite confused as the line was not clear but she practically forced me into paying another £5000 assuring me I would easily make £10,000 with her help. I e mailed her a few times and we spoke via telephone but she kept saying she would phone me back as she was either in a. Meeting or had to go to one. She said she would choose the options for me and I stupidly assumed that she would get it right and trusted her. She lost me approx £2000. I was then contacted by someone who I believed to be in charge stating that she was now in a different dept and I would get another account manager who I then spoke with - meanwhile the so called boss gave me signals to trade with which I did and ended up loosing more money. The account manager then contacted me again promising he would recoup all my money and did not speak highly of the previous manager or the company. I ended up telling him they were a bunch of crooks amongst other things and he eventually gave in and agreed and I got £750(approx) back from the company. I did not know about this site and should have researched it a lot more but am now in debt to my credit card company and don't know what to do.
I paid £173, £694, on the 21st March then £1056, £704, £1408.85, £1761.06 on the 22nd March then a further £691.80 on the 29th of March this year to OptionRally eu where their base in Europe is Nicosia Cyprus. The total of Trans fees came to £172.66 and I paid via credit card.
I opened an account with OptionRally paying the required £250 and then received a phone call from an account manager. She spoke very quickly and I was quite confused as the line was not clear but she practically forced me into paying another £5000 assuring me I would easily make £10,000 with her help. I e mailed her a few times and we spoke via telephone but she kept saying she would phone me back as she was either in a. Meeting or had to go to one. She said she would choose the options for me and I stupidly assumed that she would get it right and trusted her. She lost me approx £2000. I was then contacted by someone who I believed to be in charge stating that she was now in a different dept and I would get another account manager who I then spoke with - meanwhile the so called boss gave me signals to trade with which I did and ended up loosing more money. The account manager then contacted me again promising he would recoup all my money and did not speak highly of the previous manager or the company. I ended up telling him they were a bunch of crooks amongst other things and he eventually gave in and agreed and I got £750(approx) back from the company. I did not know about this site and should have researched it a lot more but am now in debt to my credit card company and don't know what to do.

Contact Rebecca here, she will help you to get back your money.
Just a quick update to let you know I have been ill and in and out of hospital so have not been able to follow up on getting back at the scandalous evil way OptionRally and their so called "account managers" who are no more than paid Call Centre rogues, do their business. I have contacted them on several occasions to give them a chance to compensate all to no avail. I have forms to fill in for Financial Ombudsman in Cypres and for police dept in Singapore but due to illness have been unable. I have contacted Action Fraud who put me in touch with Financial Conduct Authority who checked up on them and advised me to get back in touch with Credit Card Company as I was missold a product i.e. I was not told it was a gambling company. Bank then checked but don't deal with these as it states in the vey small print that they are in fact a gambling type company blah blah but to look closely at all the fine print to see if I can find anything that might show they misled me. Will keep you updated when I get out of hospital.
Glad you are back and ready to keep up the good fight.

as I was missold a product
i.e. I was not told it was a gambling company

Woohoo! Now there's a whole new reason to justify a chargeback against a binary options company. Since the UK legally defines BO as gambling, it should be very effective in the UK.
Glad you are back and ready to keep up the good fight.

as I was missold a product
i.e. I was not told it was a gambling company

Woohoo! Now there's a whole new reason to justify a chargeback against a binary options company. Since the UK legally defines BO as gambling, it should be very effective in the UK.
Thank You. As I am still in hospital is there anybody able to look at the small print for me to find any evidence that it .was mis sold
Sorry clicked the wrong button If anyone could check the small print on their website OptionRally eu I would be great full as I am not up to it at the moment. Still in hospital getting tests.
I just slipped away from the loving care of the medical staff at my local hospital last night. Sounds like your problem is a bit more extensive than mine.

The question may come down to what they told you on the phone. If so, the website text may not be too relevant. I do sincerely doubt that any broker out there says "We offer the equivalent of betting on red or black in roulette, but with much worse odds than any casino would dare to offer."

I'm getting kicked to the .com site. Can someone else check the .eu site or to I need to play some games with my connection to get to this?