Part 8



Is the difference between two currencies.

My example will not use CURRENT rates but nice round numbers to help make the point.

First we'll do a quick review using the EUR/USD

When you buy a currency pair what you are doing is buying the euro and simultaneously selling the usd. When you sell a currency pair what you are doing is selling the euro and simultaneously buying the dollar.

Now that we know what happens when buying or selling a currency pair we can figure out rollover.

Using the EUR/USD lets say the cental bank rate for the Euro is 7% and the cental bank rate for the USD is 2%

Rollover is calcualetd by subtracting the currencies central bank rate of the subordinant currency from dominant currencies central bank rate.

Example when you buy the EUR/USD rollover would be calculated like this
7% -2% = 5% that means that if a trader is eligible for rollover they are entitled to 5% of the lot size they are trading based on 365 day year.

If a trader sold the EUR/USD with the same central bank rates then it would be the exact opposite.
2% - 7% = -5% or rather the trader would be obligated to pay rollover of 5%

Couple of points.

If a trader does not have any open positions after 17:00 EST they will not be charged or receive rollover. Rollover is for overnight positions in the market.

The amount of rollover a trader receives is based upon what tier they are trading with their broker. In a nut shell the more money and less leverage a trader uses the more rollover a trader will pay or receive.

Rollover is a significant factor for swing and position traders.