Problem with Turboforex

Bonjour, je crois que pour poursuivre un courtier en justice il faut minimum une escroquerie de 30 000 €.
Il faudrait tous se regrouper et les amener en justice afin qu'ils arretent d'escroquer des gens !
Dans quel pays porter plainte s'il vous plait ?
Why was there no response from the judicial and there is no help so far?
I appeal to all honorable people to help me
I am very interested in this forum and I have the confidence of the legal body to work to help the oppressed and those who have been robbed and fraud by the companies Almzab and fraud
Please respond to the complaint as soon as possible
greetings to you all

I already shared the possible steps to take against them.
كيف ومتى قمت بإيداع المال؟
السادة القائمين على الموقع
قمت بعمل قضية هنا ضد شركة توربو فوركس
Case# 2018-148 | Mohammed Shakir vs
انها شركة احتيال
نرجو فضحهم لتحذير العالم منهم
لسادة القائمين على الموقع
قمت بعمل قضية هنا ضد شركة توربو فوركس
Case# 2018-148 | Mohammed Shakir vs
انها شركة احتيال
نرجو فضحهم لتحذير العالم منهم
To all those who have fallen victim to fraud and corporate fraud
TURBOFOREX and the group of thieves who work for them to deceive customers who put their trust and money in the hands of these thieves
We must raise a unified case against this company's quorum
I ask you all to unite your efforts to return our money and ask them for compensation
greetings to you all